Delaware Liberal

Hey Lisa Blunt Rochester, How About an Investigation into the Media Black Out on Climate Change ?


We all know that you aren’t in congress to ruffle any feathers. You are just keeping your head down and waiting for Carper to kick the bucket. You’ve been very candid about that. We get it. But there are some issues that enjoy wide support that you can get use to help your constituents (HI!) while helping build your bi-partisan bona-fides. Climate Change for example.

Media Matters reports that “despite the destructive power of Hurricane Dorian, broadcast TV news aired just one segment from August 28 through September 5 that mentioned the links between climate change and hurricanes like Dorian. CBS ran the only segment, while ABC and NBC both failed to air a single segment linking climate change to the development and destruction of Dorian.”

That’s 216 segments on Dorian and just one mentioned climate change. Sounds like a conspiracy to me. Get some earned media. I know you don’t NEED it given your strategy of just hanging around and waiting to be elevated to the senate on the smoke from Carper’s funeral pyre – but the country NEEDS it. Your Delaware constituents NEED it. That should count for something.

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