DL Open Thread: Weds., September 11, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 11, 2019

Yes, I’m aware of the significance of the date. If you have memories to share, please share them.

How Trump Plans To Use Census To Undercount Immigrant Residents.   By using only ‘citizens’ for the population count, not ‘residents’.  One more reason why it’s essential to win the White House in 2020.

Jerry Falwell Jr.’s Reign Of Fear. Written by Delaware resident Brandon Ambrosino, who is a Liberty grad.  Well-researched inquiry into Jr’s machinations at Liberty University. 

Trump’s Campaign Manager: Almost As Full Of It As Le Grand Orange. They have a lot in common, including the propensity to lie about pretty much everything. Baseball buffs: Who was Le Grand Orange?

The Defense Industry Now Controls Trump’s Entire National Security Team.  The new ‘acting’ National Security Advisor cut his teeth at Boeing and  Lockheed Martin.

DuPont Promises To Stop Poisoning People.  At least some people. 

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Just arrived in DC to agitate. I’m posting photos and updates for patrons only.


  2. mediawatch says:

    Rusty Staub.
    You should know better than to toss out that softball when I’m reading.

    • Hey, just trying to educate those youngsters out there.

      Rusty got the nickname while playing for the Montreal Expos. Which, for you youngsters out there, was once a Major League baseball team.

      • mediawatch says:

        One of Rusty’s more memorable days came late in his Mets’ career, when he was too slow afoot to be anything more than a pinch-hitter. They got into an extra-inning game, ran out of position players and put him in the outfield. Then the manager (Davey Johnson, I think) started rotating relief pitchers, Jesse Orosco and Roger McDowell, to get lefty-lefty and righty-righty matchups. The pitchers rotated from the outfield to the mound and back, and Rusty would shift from left to right field depending on where the batter was more (or less) likely to hit the ball. He probably ran across the outfield more that night than he did in a month of running the bases.

  3. RE Vanella says:


    “We remain steadfast in our commitment to hold Purdue and the Sackler family (Purdue Pharma’s founders) accountable for their clearly egregious role in the opioid crisis,” Jennings said in a written statement Wednesday. “This epidemic … has destroyed families, taken more than 1,400 lives since 2014, and devastated communities throughout Delaware. Irrespective of Purdue’s actions or evasions, we will continue to pursue justice on behalf of those harmed by the Sacklers’ greed, callousness, and fraud.”


    I’m in a car of activist returning from DC. We all give Kathy a shout out here. Gotta give credit when it’s due.