John Carney, Of All People, Tells Feds To Do Something On Gun Control

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 11, 2019

Is he tone-deaf, brain-dead, or both?

After not doing anything to push through the passage of strong gun control bills in Delaware, Governor(?) John Carney has joined with other governors to urge the Feds to do something, anything, to address the gun epidemic.

He did this without even a hint of irony. Irony that was not lost on News-Journal reporter Sarah Gamard:

For Carney, gun control is a familiar topic. At the state level, Delaware Democrats failed this year to ban certain semi-automatic weapons and cap magazines at 15 rounds, along with another measure that would have required a permit to buy and own a gun…

Over the summer, Carney appeared to have given up on trying to pass a ban to certain semi-automatic weapons as long as there weren’t enough votes in the General Assembly, even though he supports the policy.

“I’ve been of the view to try to find a different way to address that issue,” Carney told The News Journal at the time.

Carney’s ‘different way’ has now emerged: Kick the can down I-95 to the Feds.

This feckless governor chose not to call the General Assembly back into session after any one of a number  of massacres to address these bills. He publicly said that the sponsors needed to ‘compromise’ on the bills, but didn’t say what those compromises should be. Only ban semi-automatic weapons from black people? Limit the potential carnage caused by these weapons to 20 rounds instead of 15? John, just how much carnage should the people of Delaware be willing to accept in order to keep those 200 gun nuts who come to Leg Hall happy?  They’ll never be happy, but timid legislators and governors fall for this rope-a-dope every single time.

John Carney has not led on this issue.  He could have held McBride, Poore, Delcollo and Cloutier accountable, but he mumbled something about compromise and moved on. If a Democratic governor who supposedly supports ‘reasonable’ gun control provisions can’t/won’t use his power to galvanize the General Assembly into action, then what good is he to anybody? Other than the Chamber of Commerce, of course.

I’m serious. For once, John, don’t kick the can down the road. Do something. Be a governor, for Christsakes.

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  1. MikeM2784 says:

    For gun control to truly be effective, it must be national. That said, throwing up your hands in defeat and not trying is not leadership.

  2. BTW, where are Moms Demand Action and the other forces for gun control? If you demand action, but don’t demand action after a series of massacres, just when will you demand action? Your silence is hurting, not helping.

    • Velda Jonze says:

      Did u really write this, El Som, or is this a comment by proxy from one of the legislators actually responsible for blocking these bills? B/c they love to trash the efforts of the moms to obscure their own failures. A blogger leveling the same criticism is almost as rich.

      Did u happen to see Delaware United’s vid of the moms recess rally u clearly slept through (where they did call for immediate action)? Watch it and watch Valerie tell 200 volunteers they weren’t good enough instead of using her platform to commit to getting these bills done in 2020.

      Congrats on doing her bidding. She always seemed like ur fav!

      • Jee-zus. It was the LACK of effort on the part of gun control advocates that I criticized. There was a tremendous opportunity for mobilizing support for legislative action, and the moment was lost.

        As to Val, yep, loyal readers know that she was always my fave.


  3. Arthur says:

    He is the best politician ever! “We demand gun control action and the feds did nothing!” he can always say he “tried his best”

  4. you must not get out much says:

    Hi there, not a mom but – Moms Demand shows up at every vigil, community festival, farmers market, topical school board meeting, and rally in Delaware – how could you possibly miss them?

    Would rather see them talking to community members than “demanding action” on the internet alone.

    • Not even a statement from the organization demanding that the General Assembly reconvene? Not even a statement demanding that the governor call a special session? Not even demands to meet with the elected officials? (And, yes, we called for a special session here, but we don’t have the same pull as Moms Demand Action and other gun control groups.)

      There could not have been a better time to call for this action than after the latest series of massacres. I think the ‘Honorables’ would have been shamed into action.

      Instead we got ‘maybe we can do something in January’.

      No wonder the NRA cleans our clocks.

      I hope this doesn’t come off as a screed against Moms Demand Action. I honestly thought that there would be a huge push for immediate legislative action, and was amazed that there wasn’t. Gun control supporters can’t afford to let moments like these pass by. McBride, Poore, Carney, et al, will not move w/o public pressure. Unfortunately, they didn’t get it from the public. I still don’t understand why.

      • you must not get out much says:

        Ah yes, the online statements that stop bullets!

        Who needs community organizing and visibility when you can spend your time wordsmithing a facebook post??? Go get em, tiger.

        • ben says:

          there is no way this person is actually a gun control advocate. They would know that in person action and social media interaction are both vital to achieve the goals. This is classic NRA behavior. argue against the method instead of the subject. Get a new hobby.

        • Alby says:

          So now we move to attacking the messenger instead of explaining why the organization failed to use the most modern means of communicating its message.

          Are you a member of the organization? If not, what’s your beef?

  5. jason330 says:

    I agree with “you must not get out much”

    Having joined Mom’s Dmand Action a month ago, I can tell you that it is very active. It may not be the activity that you want to see but “you’re doing it wrong” isn’t very helpful.