It’s hard to have a democracy when your media is lazy, stupid and corrupt

Filed in National by on September 21, 2019

“Trump Act of Murder on 5th Ave Ignites Dem Infighting”

That’s the headline that would run in the New York Times if trump ever decide to keep his campaign promise to shoot someone on 5th Avenue. Does anyone doubt it?

Similarly, the Hunter Biden story isn’t really a story. But ooooh… GIVE ME THAT  juicy clickbait!!!

Pretending Hunter Biden is a story is going to be the new “missing blonde woman!”.  It will bring some eyeballs to headline like this Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father’s Campaign?

And it will get some NYT reports a few more twitter followers. So, all good!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. All Seeing says:

    I love it when Jason goes national. We needed this shit badly. How many time can we talk about how bad a messed-up Delaware is? I know we have to do it just to keep em strait as possible. But shit is really happening national and I’m very glad this organ is putting it out their. Its not just sleepy Joe that awake.

  2. All Seeing says:

    Just stuck it to Frankly Graham in a tweet it is as follows:

    @Franklin_Graham Your congregation never voted for a President (45) that would allow “mass extinction of humans, animals and our planet”. You are just as crazy. Your people will reject “YOU” just like him. Please stick to the great things Jesus taught stay out of politics.