DL Open Thread 9/21

Filed in Open Thread by on September 21, 2019

Bernie Sanders might not be making any new converts, but it’s not for lack of trying. He’s now come up with a plan to cancel Americans’ medical debts, all $81 billion of it.

What happens when you put an uneducated moron in charge of the Department of Education? You get threats to pull university funding from two North Carolina universities, UNC and Duke, whose Middle Eastern studies program doesn’t demonize Islam enough.

The remaining reactor at Three Mile Island was taken off-line yesterday, a reminder that the power industry’s preferred plan to combat global warming is capital-intensive,

Research has turned up evidence that events like yesterday’s student climate strike actually do sway public opinion on the issue. So good work, kids.

This satiric story sums up the Democratic response to Trump’s lawlessness: Somebody should do something. But what? Give them enough time and they’ll figure it out, though probably not before November 2020.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Somebody should do something but what?

    Sarcastic clapping.