Thank You Senator Townsend

Filed in National by on September 24, 2019

On his Facebook page Bryan Townsend linked to this Krugman NYT OpEd which calls out Republican leadership in DC for their cowardice and fruadulent superpatriotism, and makes a point I’ve been making – there are no innocent Republicans in office. Silence is support for Trump. 

Yet almost all G.O.P. politicians seem perfectly fine with Trump’s (unpatriotic to the point of betraying American values and interests) behavior. Which means that it’s time to call Republican superpatriotism what it was long before Trump appeared on the scene: a fraud.

In so doing Townsend opened himself up to an onslaught of abuse from nit-wits and sham super-patriots that mostly dislike Townsend because they think he wants to limit their GOD GIVEN RIGHTS to inflict mass casualties with military weapon.

The comments are vile examples of gross stupidity. It is obvious that none of the commenters read the Krugman piece and beyond that, it is clear that their minds are so degraded by right wing media,  that they have no chance of understand it even if they did read it.

And yet, Townsend answered them. He calmly and reasonably asserted his position throughout the comment section.  Good for you. I couldn’t do that.

Thanks for the habit of decency in the face of indecency and thanks for calling all elected Republicans at all levels of government frauds and cowards.  





About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Reading the thread again it seems like maybe he has 20 or so regular trolls. Maybe he is inured to the empty-headed nonsesne that gushes from these dolts(?)

    Still, keeping the shit civil would be extremely difficult for me.