Delaware Liberal

Dear Uncle Wingnut,

Dear Uncle Wingnut,

I’m going to ask you a question, and I need you to keep an open mind and let me get the whole question out before you start replying. Okay?

Okay. Imagine a President got elected who wasn’t a Republican or Democrat. Let’s say his name is Kevin, and President Kevin has NO connection to anyone or anything that happened before he was elected. He is totally new on the scene. No political affiliations whatsoever.

Imagine that President Kevin is coming up for re-election and it was discovered that President Kevin withheld aid to a country and pressured that country to investigate his political rivals sex life. Let’s say his rival’s name is Larry.

Because it is illegal to try and get value from a foreign government, and because the “opposition research” into Larry’s sex life is a thing of value, we would agree that President Kevin broke the law, right?

But beyond that, we agree that having other countries involved in our elections and taking part in trying to damage candidates is wrong, right?

Okay. Finally…and thank you for not interrupting…Imagine that President Kevin was a Democrat all along and Larry was a Republican. We would agree that President Kevin broke the law, and should be removed from office, right?

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