DL Open Thread 9/28

Filed in National, Open Thread by on September 28, 2019

Anti-Trump GOP strategist Rick Wilson says that by his count, more than 25 Republican Senators could vote against Trump given the right circumstances. “They live in terror of him and they are all moral cowards,” he continued. “They are fearful of Donald Trump’s mob and his horde. At one point somebody is going to break the seal and that person is going to have a really bad day but leave a really good memory in history,” Wilson said.

Wall Street keeps helping Elizabeth Warren by telling the world they’ll donate to Trump if the Democrats nominate her. This, in their minds, would be something the public should be afraid of, not realizing that everyone who doesn’t work on Wall Street hates financial fat cats as much as they hate Trump.

The NRA acted as a foreign asset for Russia prior to the 2016 election, offering Russia access to politicians in exchange for Russian cash. This is why Republicans are so reluctant to turn on Trump — they’re just as guilty.

Amid all the White House lawlessness, Americans for Tax Fairness doesn’t want us to forget that the tax cut for the rich and corporations didn’t work as promised, which is what every economist not in the bag for the GOP Death Cult predicted.

You might have read that the market for waterfront real estate hasn’t really cooled, despite the higher risks associated with such properties. Now the New York Times reports on a study that finds banks are shifting risky mortgages off their books and over to the federal government. The only reason no to eat the rich is that they’ll wreck your low-fat diet.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Believe the impeachment process is already starting to resemble the Nixon Era, and I believe it will follow a similar path. Trump has perhaps more baggage then any politician in American history, at some point it will be revealed to some extent and I doubt the American people will like it. When it threatens them personally the Republicans will start to distance themselves from Trump as the self preservation instinct will take hold. May or may not be fun, but it will be interesting.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    I think it’s cool that “socialists” always have to answer for Stalin & Mao but Democrats are never called to account for their daddy Kissinger supporting Pol Pot & the Khmer Rouge. Or Hillary’s support of the 2009 coup in Honduras. It’s a funny subplot, don’t you think?

    The Killing Fields are fine because if Vietnam falls to the communists… Also, I’m petrified of Cuba…

    Wait… What?

  3. nathan arizona says:

    Happened to run across your comment and I see you still say some weird things. Hillary and especially Kissinger did some bad stuff, but there’s no real equivalence (and you either know that or you’re delusional). Honduras coup as bad Stalin killing 20 million? I don’t think so. You don’t have to endorse the Killing Fields to see that this is bizarre.

    • RE Vanella says:

      some bad stuff….. lol

      Joking aside Kissinger prolly got far more than 20 million on his hands when you count Chile, East Timor, etc. (See also, Clinton & Haiti).

      Plus Stalin was a monster. Kissinger and Sam Power are still friends to this day!

      Hahahaha. But you are super smart thanks for contributing.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Also, I was called a fucking hypocrite. I want to lodge a formal compliant! Lol.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    You critique society yet you also participate in society. Wild stuff.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    For the record, I didn’t endorse the Killing Fields. Kissinger did. Because he was on about slaughtering more North Vietnamese. One of those the enemy of our enemy, realpolitik type of deals.

    The issue isn’t that Stalin has x number of
    deaths and Kissinger has y. (Although it’s historically likely that y is greater than x here.) This issue is Kissinger still counsels our political leaders to this day and gets comped for Yankees club box seats.

    Also, the Red Army liberated Auschwitz and took Berlin.


    I know this stuff bothers you guys. I’m truly very sorry.

    If I am banned for trashing Kissinger and putting his crimes into historical perspective I’m fine with that.

    P.S. I haven’t worked at a bank in 5 months. Not that it really matters though. Like Bernie making a million bucks from his book. It’s just some to say to seem like a tough guy.

    Good day.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    Almost on queue! Secretary Pompeo’s Twitter account. Last night



  8. RE Vanella says:

    October 2, 1965, the U.S. backed Gen. Suharto as he began a campaign of genocide against Indonesian communists, peasants & ethnic minorities, massacring over 1 million people.


    Happy Anniversary, I guess.