Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread 9/28

Anti-Trump GOP strategist Rick Wilson says that by his count, more than 25 Republican Senators could vote against Trump given the right circumstances. “They live in terror of him and they are all moral cowards,” he continued. “They are fearful of Donald Trump’s mob and his horde. At one point somebody is going to break the seal and that person is going to have a really bad day but leave a really good memory in history,” Wilson said.

Wall Street keeps helping Elizabeth Warren by telling the world they’ll donate to Trump if the Democrats nominate her. This, in their minds, would be something the public should be afraid of, not realizing that everyone who doesn’t work on Wall Street hates financial fat cats as much as they hate Trump.

The NRA acted as a foreign asset for Russia prior to the 2016 election, offering Russia access to politicians in exchange for Russian cash. This is why Republicans are so reluctant to turn on Trump — they’re just as guilty.

Amid all the White House lawlessness, Americans for Tax Fairness doesn’t want us to forget that the tax cut for the rich and corporations didn’t work as promised, which is what every economist not in the bag for the GOP Death Cult predicted.

You might have read that the market for waterfront real estate hasn’t really cooled, despite the higher risks associated with such properties. Now the New York Times reports on a study that finds banks are shifting risky mortgages off their books and over to the federal government. The only reason no to eat the rich is that they’ll wreck your low-fat diet.

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