Trump’s brain worms are winning – just not fast enough

Filed in National by on September 29, 2019

Part of Pelosi’s reluctance to open an impeachment inquiry was based her assessment that she could just sit back and allow the President to become more and more incapacitated by dementia. She has had many meetings with the Manchurian Pumpkin and probably has more firsthand evidence or progressive brain worms as anybody. She got a lot of shit for the “self impeachment” observation, but I get it.

With our media, however, it is a terrible strategy. This is just one small example, but a normal press corps would ask “why does Trump keep calling his conversation with Zelenskiy perfect?” What does that even mean? It is a valid question that nobody will ask because there is no opening for sham objectivity, or an opportunity to drag Joe Biden into that story.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    The recent comment from “Republican leadership” that the Senate would not block an impeachment trial was an important message from McConnell to a lot of Republicans.

    It was a shot across Trump’s bow notifying him that there WOULD be a trial, setting the stage for a resignation/pardon deal with Pence. It also put Senate Republicans on notice that barring resignation they would have to vote on impeachment in an election year. The implication is that Senators will be allowed to vote to save themselves, increasing the pressure for resignation.

    • ben says:

      they’re now totally stuck.

      If they vote against their god emperor, (roughly) 30% of their district (give or take based on MAGAt density) stays home and they lose. We can only hope that the remaining 70% (ish) are decent people who will punish them for it.
      But they will never abandon him. not in any significant number anyway… and never anything more than empty words on twitter. I honestly expect Amash and Walsh to “come home” in some big, planned, Convention-ready show of unity. you know you all expect it too.

      Shit man, even after a, hopefully, electoral drubbing, we pretty much KNOW trump will declare it an illegal election and refuse to accept it. I am still FAR from convinced that the GOP wont go along with that and try to just grab power.

      It’s gonna be 57-43 acquit with Chris Coons voting for bipartisanship.

  2. RSE says:

    I don’t understand why there is no curiosity at all about CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc, and the fact that apparently they alone have the information concerning the whole DNC Russian hacking premise and whether or not there was even a DNC “hack”. Remember that the DNC declined to have the FBI investigate the “hacking” and instead hired CrowdStrike.

    The boys are over the target and that’s when the flack gets the heaviest, as they say, right?

    • ben says:

      what the fuck are you talking about, MAGAt?

      is “but his crodstrike” the new “but her emails’ jesus you people are fucking stupid. I really hope your right to vote gets taken away. … but you’re also lazy. You pop off with that half-cooked talking points that you likely heard on.. lemmie guess right wing satellite radio…. give Giuliani and Hannity a few more days to craft your narrative before trying next time.

      But… ya know what? if there were crimes by the DNC, cut off their heads as well. See, thinking humans are able to say that, but you hopeless fucks in Cult45 are totally incapable of even thinking that your Dear Leader be held accountable. Yes, Epstein, Clinton and Trump should all rot for being the rapists they are. Yes, anyone who deals illegally with foreign governments is a fucking traitor and should die a traitor’s death. It’s easy to say when you arent a simpering piece of shit. Fuck you.

      • mouse says:

        Yeah dammit !

      • RSE says:

        “You pop off with that half-cooked talking points that you likely heard on.. lemmie guess right wing satellite radio…”

        I’m not interested in anybody else’s talking points, ben, What CrowdStrike is and that the DNC hired them is common knowledge.
        The DNC, through their lawyers, hired CrowdStrike instead of using the assistance of the FBI when it came to forensically examining the IT at the DNC. CrowdStrike was mentioned in the discussion between Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky. I don’t know if you’ve read the actual transcript yet or not.

        • jason330 says:

          CrowdStrike was mentioned [by Trump] in the discussion [with] Ukrainian President Zelensky [because Trump’s diseased brain is chock-a-block full of wingnut conspiracy theories].


        • Alby says:

          “CrowdStrike is and that the DNC hired them is common knowledge.
          The DNC, through their lawyers, hired CrowdStrike instead of using the assistance of the FBI when it came to forensically examining the IT at the DNC. ”

          So you, who IIRC does not trust the FBI, think that the Democratic National Committee should have turned over its servers to the nation’s top domestic surveillance agency despite the fact that a majority of people who work for it are Republicans, and that they should trust that nobody in the New York FBI office, which already had gone rogue under the prodding of Rudy Giuliani, would ever leak anything they found to Republicans.

          See, this is why you have no credibility. Your standards for the horseshit you consume daily are entirely different from your standards for peer-reviewed news.

          • Ben says:

            I have copypasted a few of RSE’s comments into a google search bar and found everything from multiple EXACT words or various RWNJ twitter feeds, or full articles. The “who me?” act whenever it gets called out is hilarious as it is transparent and lame.

            This thing is not in possession of an original brain. It’s a bot, or an act… or a really, really dense fool who thinks they are sooper smart. Either way, I’m done being anything but flat out mean to RSE (or any magat, for that matter). Im not at all worried/convinced im speaking to a human life.

            • RSE says:

              You’re sort of full of it minus the sort of, aren’t you. Show me one single example of what you claim.

              • Alby says:

                It really doesn’t matter, sporto. Nobody really believes that, all by yourself, you come up with exactly the same bogus bullshit that spouts from RWNJ sources, but even if you did, it just makes you another shit spout.

    • ben says:

      I’ve literally seen that “over the target” talking point jump in the last 48 hours. RSE is a bot 100%.

      Tell ya what, bot. instead of asking why there ISNT curiosity about a non-issue, why dont you use your 45 brain cells and tell us why you THINK there should be. Keep in mind, you will have to provide proof and sources. Like a memo of a phone call. or a video of a lawyer admitting to something…. you know, on par with what your God is providing.

    • ben says:

      hey, fuck head, tell us about Article 2 Section 3. is that script ready yet?

    • Alby says:

      Try to remember that everyone on Mueller’s team, including Mueller, was a Republican. Try to remember that nobody took any Deep State precautions about Trump winning, because nobody thought Trump would win. Try to remember that Trump has been a crook since the ’80s, without every stopping.

      Try to remember that Trump has more dirty secrets than the Clintons could have in three lifetimes, and try to remember that most Democrats weren’t crazy about her, either. Try, in other words, to not be a mouth-breathing bumpkin for a fucking change.

      • Alby says:

        Also try to remember that the supposed problem with the email server was that is was supposedly more vulnerable to Russian hacking.

        Every time your emperor throws a turd in the swimming pool, you morons think it’s a Baby Ruth.

  3. jason330 says:

    “I don’t understand why there is no curiosity at all about CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc, ”

    I do.