DL Open Thread: Weds., Oct. 16, 2019

Filed in Featured by on October 16, 2019

Pence And Rudy Go Rogue(r).  Won’t comply with House subpoenas.

How Hate Groups Abuse The Tax Code.  Maybe a D President will instruct the IRS to enforce the law.

Trump Tax Documents Reveal Fraud. ProPublica reviews documents and sees that Trump made his businesses ‘appear more valuable to lenders and less profitable to tax officials’. Ya gotta love how ProPublica got the documents under FOIA in the first place:

The documents were public because Trump appealed his property tax bill for the buildings every year for nine years in a row, the extent of the available records. We compared the tax records with loan records that became public when Trump’s lender, Ladder Capital, sold the debt on his properties as part of mortgage-backed securities.

Seriously, you NEED to contribute to the incredible reporting being done by ProPublica.

Biden’s ‘Stumbling’ Performance.  At this point, he’s getting the Reagan grading system: “Not bad for him”.  I think the slow bleed will continue for Joe.

Are Toxic Chemicals In Firefighting Foam Causing Illnesses For Military Retirees?  Sure looks that way.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Ben says:

    Someone forgot to tell the squad what a racist misogynist Bernie is.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Known anti-semite Bernie bro Ilhan Omar endorses the only Jew in the race. 78 dimensional chess. Wild stuff.

    • John Kowalko says:

      Thank you Cenk and the young Turks for questioning the one who “Smirks”. If you get Senator Coons to even acknowledge you again I hope you’ll join me in encouraging his future behavior as follows:
      Run Chris Run! (away from reality, your responsibilities, progressiveness, honesty, fairness, working people) into the arms of your fellow bipartisan, bible-thumping, pretend Christian allies and take that freakin’ smirk with you. That condescending attitude and arrogant smirk truly defines the real Chris Coons. Run Chris Run! (away from the battlefields strewn with dead Kurdish families into the waiting embrace of Netanyahu and your Republican “friends”). Run Chris Run! (Far away from any of those heathen reporters who have the temerity and audacity to question your authenticity and honesty). Run Chris Run! (away from Delaware and the Democratic Party so we can wash the sheets that you so willingly have soiled. Run Chris Run! (away from the impeachment of the megalomaniacal narcissist who enjoys destroying any semblance of morality that America once had. Run Chris Run! (Into the warm embrace of Graham and McConnell)—kneel down and pray with them, or “prey” with the Donald for his black soul. For God’s sake run away or run into the fire that has consumed our rationality. You owe humanity that much.
      John Kowalko

  3. All Seeing says:

    your hitting on all 8 cylenders so keep it coming. Local stuff is same old shit but you bring in national it is great. Love it.

  4. bamboozer says:

    Have put ProPublica on my daily reading list, the tax return story is a must read and if you’ve lived in the NYC area no real surprise at all.