DL Open Thread: Tues., Oct. 29, 2019

Filed in Featured by on October 29, 2019

American Patriot To Describe The Trump-Zelensky Call.  He speaks Ukrainian and he listened to the call. No need for the whistleblower any more. BTW, the toxic Laura Ingraham tried to use his accent to imply he was a spy.

North Carolina Rethugs Lose Bid To Continue Gerrymander.  And, no, they can’t use the old districts for 2020.

ES & S Dominates Voting Machine Industry, Provides Shitty Product, And Sues Competitors.  Yes, Delaware’s new machines are from ES&S. File away for future reference.

Can Facebook Employees Change Zuckerberg’s Mind?  Doubtful, but they’re trying.

Not Even Trump Could Save This Coal Baron.  So much for ‘clean coal’. Frissons of schadenfreude course through my body.

What do you want to talk about?

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    • bamboozer says:

      Me too, I’m not afraid of a Warren or Sanders campaign, and the reason is a great many Americans agree with what they want to do. We’re tired of half measures on healthcare, student debt and education in general. And I’m tired of “centrists” who sound like Republicans, Chris Coons springs to mind, but so does Joe Biden.

  1. puck says:

    Demo of new voting machines 6pm tonight in Hockessin library hosted by Rep. Mike Smith.

  2. RSE says:

    I haven’t flown in a while, but when I do again, it won’t be on a Boeing 737 max. Boeing should have scrapped the new 737 design at the testing phase, and they should have definitely decided to just punt and take their losses after the accidents. They should have recalled and reconfigured the planes so that they don’t need software to correct an inherent design flaw. They would take a huge loss but not as bad as what I’m afraid might happen to them

    I doubt they will be able to sell this airplane even after the software and sensor upgrades.

    • jason330 says:

      Boeing stopped being a engineering company, and became (like all late stage capitalist companies) a money management firm.

      Someone said that. I botched the quote, but you get the idea.

    • ben says:

      you haven’t flown for a while, so you dont realize this, but you’ll fly on whatever they damn well put you on.
      When booking a flight, you dont get to pick the model… that is if you can even get on the plane at all. They over book and sometimes..OOPS. sorry, sucker.
      This is America and you’re a consumer. you get no choice and youll thank Adam Smith for it.