DL Open Thread: Wed., Oct. 30, 2019

Filed in Featured by on October 30, 2019

Delaware Leads Nation In Per Capita Subsidizing Of Horse Racing. I think it’s reached the point where horse racing can be characterized as animal abuse. If so, Delaware is the #1 abuser. In fact, only Pennsylvania has spent more in total to prop up this failing ‘sport’ since 2010.  It may be just me, but I think we could have put that $2 billion to better use.

White House Omitted Key Sections From Transcript With Ukraine President.  Was it a ‘perfect call’ with or w/o the omissions?

Centrist Democrats’ Path To Victory?: Screw Labor Unions And Environmentalists In Order To Approve Trump Trade Agreements.  Where does LBR stand on this, if anywhere?

Corporo-Crats Celebrate AIG’s 100th Birthday. Progressive challengers hammer them. Was LBR there?  What about Carper and Coons? If I had to place a bet, I’d go 3 for 3.

Conspiracy Theorists Threw A Party At Doral. Guess Who Made Money.  That ‘phony’ emoluments clause isn’t doing much good.

Harrington Delaware’s Most Corrupt Municipality?  Havoc in Hayseedville.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    10 or so years ago the Harrington City Finance Director stole $800K from the coffers. So I guess you could say this actually represents progress.

  2. RE Vanella says:


    American classic. Force of the state arrives to make a man homeless. Man kills himself out of unimaginable despair. Cops call the operators with AR15s. Lock down Concord HS.

    It’s bizarro works. Real emergency was before the constables arrived.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Also, our man Coby, who’s standing for City Council, picked up a national endorsement already.


    I feel like maybe after the last election cycle a bunch of people just kept working. Hmmm.

    bUt KerRi hArRiS dIDn’t wiN… 🤪

  4. Arthur says:

    The only “sport” i find more disturbing than horse racing is dog racing. Everyone is up in arms about the de turf issue now, but for how long as a politician and their family soaked up money from the protected race tracks?

    • El Somnambulo says:

      A lot of downstate politicians owned ‘stock’ in the Harrington Raceway. Or is/was it the State Fair? And the purported push for subsidies came from Delaware horsemen. You do the math.

  5. ben says:

    Gotta hand it to Sanders. He has totally gotten his groove back. He’s got jokes, He’s got snark. I’m still leaning Warren but would be very happy to have sanders nominated.

    I would also like to start calling him the “comeback kid”. 1) it’s funny ’cause hes old 2) you KNOW there are some shitty Clintonites who would get pissed at it.

    • Alby says:

      Not entirely surprising. Remember, he was walking around with a failing ticker that’s now getting a greater blood supply. In practical terms, he’s probably healthier now than before the heart attack.

  6. nathon arizona says:

    good one

  7. paul says:

    For how many years have state legislators shorted public education funding? No money was the bleating coming from Dover. $1.9B to privately owned horsracing? Let’s start using Delaware common sense: children, especially in Kent and Sussex Counties need funding from the state to survive, let alone thrive. Horses don’t have enough value without subsidies. This is not how capitalism works in the textbooks. It’s not how capitalism should work in Delaware, either