Distasteful Liberalism

Filed in National by on November 11, 2019

All the smart centrists agree, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is bad for the Dem brand among the rurals. What plays in the Bronx doesn’t play in Iowa. That’s a rule, right?

Democrats must keep watering down the Dem message. It isn’t 99.9% water yet. – Senator Chris Coons (paraphrased)

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    On a related note, Joe Scarborough is suddenly alarmed by the fact that Iowa has no black people because the state’s overwhelming whiteness handicaps Biden.

    But what a minute…Isn’t Biden’s whole campaign based on the fact that he can beat Trump in white parts of the country?

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    More and more, this looks like the watershed election where the ‘American Way’ that has rewarded the filthy rich will be on trial every bit as much as Trump.

    Even the so-called ‘fake news’ media will not be on our side.

    • jason330 says:

      Yep. Staus quo über alles.

      BTW This is from last night.

      Sober Practical Dem: I like Biden because he looks like he can beat Trump.

      Me: What if beating Trump was a given. The nominated Dem could not lose. Who would you like?

      Sober Practical Dem: Warren.

      • Alby says:

        Ultimately, that’s the problem: “Moderate” Democrats prefer to play it safe. Which means they are, yes, conservative. They are afraid of change, and assume all are just as afraid of it as they are.

        • bamboozer says:

          I agree, they’ve been successful at staying in office with things the way they are and fear change, it also is apparent that much of the Dem base wants to move left and actually act like Democrats. That scares the dividends out of the rich regardless of which party they pretend to support.

          • jason330 says:

            Very true. You have to have an absurdly narrow view of “success” to think Democrats have been successful with this strategy or cowering supplication.

  3. nathan arizona says:

    It’s not so much a matter of fearing change (although I do miss the analog days sometimes). It’s a matter of fearing things won’t change and we’ll get four more years of Trump. I would be happy with Warren if I thought she was almost certain to beat Trump.

  4. TK says:

    All of Liberalism is distasteful when you really break it down. Take from those that can and give to those that can’t. Sums it up.

    • jason330 says:

      Thank you for the input. You are a very smart, very high net worth individual.

    • Alby says:

      First off, thanks for the chimp’s-eye view, in regard to “those that [sic] can.” Most of the rich are not self-made, so they’re not those who can but those who got lucky or, in many cases, those who gamed the system or cheated.

      Don’t you have to build a nest of twigs and leaves for the night? Run along now.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    Haha. Break it down for us. 😂

  6. nathan arizona says:

    Ben, pretty much everybody I know would already vote for any of the democratic candidates. As for your other point, it’s kind of difficult to “assuage the fears” of people who worry that Warren wouldn’t win since I have those same fears.