Here is a preview of how Trump will lose the election but stay in office

Filed in National by on November 12, 2019

Read the Kentucky election story below and try to argue that it doesn’t all go down just like this:

It is nearing midnight on November 3rd, 2020. Trump has lost by lots in the popular vote and by a little in the electoral college. He does not concede. Having been complaining about Democratic cheating for months leading up to the election, he allows stories like the one below to bubble thought the internet. The press covers “both sides” of the controversy. Chris Coons reserves judgement in the interest of bipartisanship.

Within a day or two people of every political flavor are edgy. One night, a shot rings out. Trump declares a national emergency. Under the National Emergencies Act Trump has virtually unlimited discretionary power if supported by the Senate and Supreme Court.

He declares the election invalid. The constitutionality of that use of emergency powers is endorsed by a 5 to 4 majority in the Supreme Court.

“A few hours after polls closed in Kentucky last Tuesday, a Twitter user writing under the handle @Overlordkraken1 posted a message to his 19 followers saying he had ‘just shredded a box of Republican mail-in ballots,’” the New York Times reports.

“For those eager to cry fraud as a reliably red state leaned blue, the fact that @Overlordkraken1 did not appear to be in Kentucky — Louisville was misspelled in the location tag on his tweet, for one thing — was not going to get in the way of a useful narrative. Nor was Twitter’s decision to suspend his account.”

“Within hours of @Overlordkraken1’s tweet, as it became apparent that Mr. Bevin was trailing in the vote tally, hyperpartisan conservatives and trolls were pushing out a screenshot of the message, boosted by what appeared to be a network of bots, and providing early grist for allegations of electoral theft in Kentucky. High-profile right-wing figures were soon tweeting out their own conspiracy theories about the election being stolen — messages that were in turn pushed by even more trolls and bots — and the Bevin campaign began talking about ‘irregularities’ in the vote without offering any specifics or evidence.”

– Via Bluedelaware

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. Keeping it Real says:

    Wow. You need to change your medication. Totally delusional.

    • Alby says:

      You need to up your commenting game, because if you think we need the shallow crap you provide you’re totally delusional.

  2. Keeping it Real says:

    Shallow? You are predicting a coup. Delusional.

    • Alby says:

      Yes, shallow.

      We already have had a coup. A president who recruited foreign interference in the election lost the popular vote by 3 million and, rather than pursuing a middle course, has pursued policies — some of them illegal — that are blatantly partisan. The party he nominally belongs to has tried various means of disenfranchising voters because their policies are not supported by a majority.

      So no, not delusional.

      Now try writing something longer than one sentence.

  3. Al Catraz says:

    This is weapons-grade stupidity. Elections are not even conducted by the federal government, and hence there is no “emergency authorization” under which the president can deem an election held in any state to be invalid.

    • jason330 says:

      Someone thinks Trump is bound by longstanding norms. Charming.

      Anyway, the election isn’t the proximal cause resulting in the state of emergency. The emergency is civil unrest ginned up by the President and his fanboys. Overturning the election is part of a package of emergency measures to restore order, Dummy.

  4. Ben says:

    You guys used to roast me like chicken little for suggesting this kinda shit. I’m glad more ppl are realizing just how much danger we’re really in.

  5. The hammer says:

    wow, I just found where the buses don’t go anymore. Jasons house Glad some more grounded folks are pointing out the absurdity of the opening claims…

  6. ben says:

    I think the random new maga commenters dropping by to say how “unlikely” this is, is proof that they are rooting for it.

    Little do they know, leftists figured out a couple years ago we should be …. unready.

    • jason330 says:

      I just reread it to see if I concocted an outlandish scenario.

      There isn’t a single thing in that list of events that is a stretch or hasn’t been already foreshadowed by recent events.

      • ben says:

        trump and the magats are nothing if not predictable. what you described is 100% on brand for them.
        I’ll actually be a little disappointed in ol’ donnie boy if he doesnt at least TRY.

  7. The hammer says:

    remember when the worry was republicans wouldn’t accept the outcome of an election by the people? you folks might want to start focusing on issues and policies that actually do something for the people…no?

      • Alby says:

        What Jason means is that the Democratic House has passed scores of bills that McConnell refuses to consider.

        Your guy is the one who refuses to do anything for the people, other than have his wife steer lots of money, crookedly, to Kentucky.

        Spouting Fox talking points is no way to go through life, son.

    • Alby says:

      Getting rid of Trump is the best thing we can do for the people.

      But don’t worry, after next November we’ll do a lot more for the people. You won’t like it.

  8. RE Vanella says:

    “start focusing on issues and policies that actually do something for the people…”

    Haven’t I though? Material interests I think I’ve said… over and over and over. Maybe the hammer isn’t listening to the podcast!

    So if Coons is challenged by a candidate supporting Medicare for All, Green New Deal and the rest of the Sanders’ policy program, you in or are you just a theoretical hammer?