DL Open Thread: Tues., Nov. 19, 2019

Filed in Featured by on November 19, 2019

Coons’ Greatest Hits: Votes Against Obama Civil Rights Nominee.  Why? Because ‘cops’:

Coons said he voted against Debo Adegbile’s nomination moving forward because of law enforcement objections to his role in the defense of cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.

“There is no question that Mr. Adegbile has had a significant and broad career as a leading civil rights advocate, and would be an asset to the Justice Department,” Coons said in a statement. “But at a time when the Civil Rights Division urgently needs better relations with the law enforcement community, I was troubled by the idea of voting for an Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights who would face such visceral opposition from law enforcement on his first day on the job.”

Substitute ‘mindless’ for visceral’ and you’ve got it. You see, in his role as head of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Adegbile performed some pro bono work on an appeal on behalf of Abu-Jamal, the Philly cops’ bete noir. An appeal that he won before a panel of mostly R judges.  Read, then reread, Coons’ statement. That, alone, IMO, is enough to fight Coons every step of the way. What a wuss.

BTW, and this is for Sarah Gamard, who editorialized in her ‘news’ article on Jess Scarane’s announcement: Do you know where Chris Coons was born? Greenwich, CT. Didn’t see the phrase ‘Connecticut native Chris Coons’ in your piece. Does Chris need a new press secretary or something? Your article was sloppy and amateurish, and should cause you embarrassment.

Oh, And Here’s Why You Should Care About This Race.  Chris is afraid that all these uppity non-traditional types will upend the Rich White Men’s Club:

“I want to believe of our country and ourselves that a more diverse Senate that includes women’s voices, and voices of people of color, and voices of people who were not professionals but, you know, who grew up working class and were the first in their family to go to school and so forth, that we can engage those voices and that they can be part of the debate, and that that doesn’t produce irreconcilable discord. I think history may judge otherwise…”

Thus sayeth the privileged chap who first discovered poor people while in Africa.

What Is The Chicago Unit Acquisition LLC, And Is It Yet Another Trump Tax Avoidance Scheme?  You know how we’ll find out? If Trump’s tax returns are released.  Oh, and yes, it is a Delaware-registered LLC.  But, hey, that’s why we’re Luxembourg.

Yet More Witness Intimidation From Le Grand Orange.  Floats firing every witness who testified to Congress.

How Purdue Pharma And the New York Times Conspired To Plant False Story On Opioids.  Right, let’s task a writer affiliated with the American Enterprise Institute to pen a story about ‘overzealous’ enforcement of opioid statutes.  Absolutely an award-worthy story here.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Mouse says:


  2. RE Vanella says:

    Gamard’s piece was typical News Journal politics. Trash. But the word’s out so that fine.

    Did you notice House candidates Larry Lambert & Madinah have already endorsed? Here’s what this means. Same message at every door from every canvasser. People’s program. From Christiana and Bear to Claymont and Arden. All over Wilmington. Consistency.

    Kent & Sussex field work upcoming. Universal message. No technocratic complicated horseshit. No means testing. No esoteric tax credit vouchers.

    There is abundant wealth in this state and in this country. We’re going to start using it for a little thing I like to call “society”.

  3. ben says:

    all donated up.
    Jess or Bust. I will never cast another vote for Chris Coons in any election.

  4. John Paradee-Victim:


    Blames the News-Journal. Two brothers from a politically-connected family. Two self-proclaimed victims. Everything they did was for the public good. Is it THEIR fault that it looks like yet another Delaware sweetheart deal–especially with Queen Nancy Cook pulling the behind-the-scene strings?

    Instead of Thanksgiving, perhaps the family should hold a Pity Party.

  5. Alby says:

    Your daily reminder that Evo Morales was ousted by a U.S.-approved right-wing military coup:


    • RE Vanella says:

      Kathryn Ledebur of the Andean Information Network reports that right wing militias loyal to the dictatorship are closing access to the some large cities (especially affluent areas) so the large marches of indigenous folks from the rural areas can’t get into the urban centres. (Yesterday’s Chapo episode)

      And as far as I know the free fire immunity for military & police is in effect.

      Keep in mind Morales’ term hasn’t ended. Neither has the legislative session which is ⅔ MAS (Evo’s party). The term legally ends 21 Jan 2020.

      Where’s Prof xyz? What’s his story now, I wonder?

  6. RE Vanella says:

    And Evo remains in exile in Mexico City, because that’s how democracy works.

  7. Alby says:

    For RSE: South Korea has signed a mutual defense agreement with China.


    The reason for getting Trump out of office as soon as possible is that he’s driven out all the people who were even pretending to be adults in the room. I don’t think South Korea for North Korea is a trade any sane person would want to make.

  8. John Kowalko says:

    Paradee says,
    “The News Journal appears to be threatening public faith and confidence in the “noble” mission of the DE Turf”.
    Give me a break “Noble” mission as offered/alleged by an “Ignoble” person. Yeah, that boat will float.
    Representative John Kowalko