Coons promises to give Mitch McConnell veto power in the Senate

Filed in National by on November 20, 2019

This article in the Prospect does a good job delving into the elitism that is the crux of Coons unwillingness to represent regular Delawareans  in the US Senate.

Coons does want the Senate to change – by becoming even more conservative than it already is. Along with Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine, Coons organized a letter, signed by 61 senators, pledging to keep the filibuster in place, which would make any sort of progressive legislation that much harder should Democrats take control of the government next year. In September, during a discussion about the Senate and bipartisanship with former Senators Joe Donnelly and Jeff Flake, Coons suggested that it might not be possible to have a Senate that’s both diverse and doesn’t “produce irreconcilable discord.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. JEE-zus. Keep the filibuster in place? You mean like it’s been in place for consideration of EVERY BLEEPING TRUMP JUDGE???

    That right there is reason to get rid of Gore-Tex’ favorite Senator.

  2. jason330 says:

    I also really like this from Jess:

    ““I think one of the things that has really harmed people is a lot of the compromises he makes at the expense of Delawareans,” says Scarane. “It’s a system that benefits him and the friends he’s made at Yale Law School and through the work that he’s done. He works to keep that structure in place rather than prioritizing the needs of people in Delaware.”