Coons plots with GOP to hamstring future Dem majorities

Filed in National by on November 27, 2019

Coons must be very worried that Democrats are going to retake the Senate. How else can you explain him handing Mitch McConnell veto power over Democratic initiatives in the event of a Blue Wave? And how else can you explain Coons preemptively conspiring with his GOP buddies to hamstring Democratic initiatives by enacting automatic cuts to Social Security if is looks like Democratic initiative might pass?

Bottom Line: Coons is fucking terrible.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    And don’t rule out the little schmuck voting against impeachment, followed by an incredibly whiny excuse or two. He’s actually worse then Carper. There, I said it!

  2. Jason330 says:

    More proof that Bipartisanship is always a one way street. Coons gives bipartisanship by never expects any in return:

    A Democratic senator has accepted there won’t be enough votes to remove President Donald Trump from office if he is put on trial before the Republican-held Senate.

    Senator Chris Coons from Delaware told CNN last night that he did not think there would be enough bipartisan support for the president’s removal from office if articles of impeachment are delivered to the Senate by the end of this year.

  3. puck says:

    Coons’s first major vote was to vote for extending the Bush tax cuts.

    Coons and Carper LOVE being in the Senate minority. They especially love McConnell, who protects them from ever having to vote on Democratic legislation.

    And even with a Dem Senate majority, the filibuster gives them a lot of free votes on legislation that will never pass the Senate. Without the filibuster, Coons and Carper would be the deciding “No” votes to defeat any progressive legislation that may come from the House.

  4. John says:

    The problem has been and remains that getting elected requires big bucks and chemical, banking, and pharma have been the best corporate sources of the dough ra me for Delaware’s senators. Joe is no better; he sold out the people to banking interests (bankruptcy reform). If Carper is really concerned about the deficit, he’d sponsor tax reform to grab back the hand-outs to the rich. I hope that Jessica Scarane’s shakes things up and at the very least pushes Coons off the Middle.

    • RE Vanella says:

      You’ve astutely identified the problem. Only one solution. We gotta mobilize people, my friend. Grassroots & door-to-door.

      We’re all responsible and accountable. Revolution not being televised, etc. Up off the sofa now. (Actually tomorrow is fine, after turkey, weed & napping.)