Seeking Nominations For Delaware’s MVP Of The Year For 2019
I’m strongly inclined towards anointing one person the MVP (Most Valuable To The Progressive Cause) this year, although I’m open to persuasion.
Who else belongs on the list? Remember the criteria. If you nominate someone, you must give a reason why they deserve consideration for this year’s list. The nominee doesn’t even have to be a progressive. Long-time readers will remember the time that Christine O’Donnell won the award.
Nominees don’t have to be elected officials. With the influx of so many great grassroots organizers, for example, those who have built the progressive machinery deserve consideration.
Nominations close on Dec. 20. OK, kids, have at it.
Tizzy Lockman — a tireless advocate for children, for justice and especially for education reform. Can’t point to any superlative accomplishments in her first year in the Senate, but she brings more than hope to the table.
In all seriousness, it has to be REV. His podcast is the fucking bomb.
I agree with Jason. REV’s podcast is the new cool and a great extension of the work you guys have started. A few other names
* Colby Harris: His work on DACA, campaigns, and organizing is very inspiring
* Darius Brown: I don’t think he would consider himself a progressive, just because he doesn’t like labels. However, running the reentry bills and introducing $15 minimum wage after everyone told him not to, should at least get him an honorable mention)
* AG Katheen Jennings: Well damn. She showed all the naysayers that a person who has been a card carrying member of the system for decades can, at times, be the most effective person at moving the progressive agenda forward. The LBJ effect.
* BlueDelaware: As the sucktitude of the New Journal reaches all time levels, BlueDelaware has filled the void by doing some really well researched articles to draw attention to a lot of great progressive issues.
* Delaware Democratic Party: I couldn’t imagine a free flowing primary environment like we have now under the direction of John Daniello. Young and/or new candidates are jumping in these races and it doesn’t feel like the party is putting their finger on the scale, while still being respectful to the challenger and deferential to the incumbent. Erik and Jesse should be commended for this culture that they have encouraged.
+1 for Jennings. Other than a few legislators she’s the only DE pol with a backbone. Speaks up for gun control while Carney cowers, supports safe injection sites when nobody else will, got the GA to move on the only thing it actually accomplished this year.
Lockman and Laster deserve it too. Bright spots in the mud.
I’m going recuse myself from this. I can say sincerely we are glad and grateful you appreciate the work. I say we too. If it weren’t for Karl and Margaret the thing would be nowhere. Not me us, and so on.
I would like to say one thing about the party comment. While I don’t disagree that neutrality is an improvement I’m not going to be highlighting it for special praise am I? No, I’m not.
There’s a difference between neutrality and making the party a welcoming place for everybody. Kerri Harris would not be the Delaware Democratic National Committeewoman in a neutral environment. She is in a party that is seeking to increase the size of its tent.
Welcoming or not, we’re coming anyway. So, maybe it’s resignation?
Kerri & her backers out maneuvered opponents. That’s why she’s in that position.
Again Erik & Jesse are an improvement. But there’s a lot of stroking off about like what they “allow the happen” & I think it’s unwarranted.
Dustyn Thompson has been one of the most consistently relentless advocates for progressive causes in the state of Delaware, and he deserves far more recognition then he currently gets (that’s not me throwing shade at anyone though, he just does a lot of his work behind the scenes). He’s also about to graduate college, so congrats Dustyn.
I assume Bane meant Coby Owens, in which case I second.
Eric Morrison was the first progressive candidate out of the gate this year, and I think his hard work and dedication to his campaign are going to pay off come September. Even I’m amazed at how much ground he’s covering on his campaign, which I think is shaping up to be the one to watch out for.
Madinah Wilson-Brown will be a historic candidate just by dint of who she is, but she’s also one of the most tireless supporters of progressive causes that I have ever seen. And I swear that I’m not saying this because she’s going to buy me pizza this weekend.
Madinah Wilson-Anton, tho.
Joking aside, Madinah will win.
Also, yes. Coby is the shit. Will be on city council soon.
Joshua, Dustyn & Coby are Bunker alums. Super Producer Karl is running Madinah’s campaign. So… 😁
Well, I got one of the names right (sorry Madinah!)
I second Josh.
I want to add Matt Meyer to the list. He shows up to every rally that most other pols do not. The GreeNCC agenda he’s pushing as the exec will greatly improve environmental protection and land use practices in the county. I also commend his dedication to updating the UDC and fighting for complete communities. And he’s not standing down to the corrupt trump loving FOP!
I’m confused. Are we voting for most vitriolic prick?
You really get what I’m doing. I can tell.
I vote for Judge Laster. He is the lever behind the little progress we are seeing.
That right there is why I open up the nominations. That’s a great choice, and one I almost certainly would have overlooked.
Sorry I butchered Coby’s name. Late night typing and was thinking about him and Kerri at the same time. My bad to Coby. No disrespect at all.
Not sure you can give it to Ms. Anton yet. Great person, but she hasn’t really done anything yet. No shade, I expect big things, but announcing that you’re running for office isn’t enough for an MVP nod. IMHO
You’ll have to give me more on Matt Meyer other than him showing up to rallies and his “dedication” to updating the UDC. Which has been a “dedication” of every county exc, and then nothing happens.
The guy named a scholarship after himself, which if not for Kathy Mcguiness putting her name on the Delaware seal, would have won this year’s “Feeling Yourself Award”
You mean the “Chip Flowers Memorial Feeling Yourself Award” ?
To be perfectly honest the award should go to Drew Serres. Same as last year. Nobody necessarily sees or reports about it, but I don’t think any important grassroots organizing happens here without the foundation he built and the organizers and activists he inspires and coaches. In the street everyday, him. Might be the most beautiful person in the state. Him or Erika Gutierrez.
Otherwise just name the award for him.
I would vote for Amy Roe and Sarah Bucic. Their advocacy in “getting the lead out” has been nothing short of phenomenal and they have gotten great legislation out of it. In addition, they pushed this through the National PTA and it looks like other states are going to push for the same thing.