There Are Now 18 House Republicans Retiring. What Does This Mean For Delaware?
Since the debacle of 2016, voters have taken every opportunity to vote against Trump and Trump enabling Republicans in state and local elections. The DEGOP has done nothing to distance itself from Trump, so it is entirely reasonable to expect another Blue Wave in Delaware.
And yet, there are only two probably Republican quitters in Delaware. Part of this is because the DEGOP has already been decimated at the polls, but part of it is because Delcollo and Hensley are Teflon. The smear “he is a Republican” doesn’t really seem to stick to them.
Probable DEGOP Quitters:
Cathy Cloutier is still leading the pack. The district has shifted under her feet and her brand of 1990’s style Michael Castle republicanism doesn’t make very much sense anymore.
Mike Ramone is the next most likely to spend more time with his family. He knows that he caught a break last time out.
Should be DEGOP Quitters who aren’t
If the world made sense, Anthony Delcollo would quit. If Dems field a good candidate he may consider it given the composition of the district.
Similarly, Kevin Hensley should be in trouble but isn’t.
When things look bad, people have a tendency to head for the exits. The same is often true of Congress. Back in early August, nine Republican House members had said they would not seek reelection in 2020 and would instead retire. That number has now grown to 16 “pure” GOP retirements (in other words, excluding those who left to seek another office.)
This isn’t that far off from the 23 Republicans who voluntarily hung up their House spurs in the 2018 cycle — even though there are comparatively fewer potential GOP retirees this time around, as the party lost 40 seats in the midterms.
Ken Simpler isn’t an elected official any more.
Since most of the Rethugs are now from Lower Slower, they are not at risk.
Actually, one downstater is at risk. In a perverse sort of way, his retirement or loss would possibly be a boon to the R’s.
I’m talking about ex-cop/gun range owner Dave Lawson.
Why would his retirement be a boon to the Rethugs? His Democratic opponent, Jaci Hugg, would almost certainly vote to keep McBride and Poore in leadership. Meaning that gun bills for example, would be less likely to pass. McBride and Poore have practically taken up residence (Poore’s second, McBride’s third) in the district, and that’s not by accident.
Lawson has filed, but he can drop out at any time before next July’s deadline and get his fee back.
He’d be #1 on this list for me.
What an intelligent comment. We clearly are dealing here with a superior intellect.
Kevin Hensley is the luckiest politician in Delaware. He got Monique Johns twice and David Carter talked Kevin Caneco who is the perfect candidate for that seat to run for county council instead.
Is Harrington is running again? Maybe Michelle myers wall? Or is she still running for senate?
What does taken up residence in the district mean here?