DL Open Thread: Weds., Dec. 18, 2019

Filed in Featured by on December 18, 2019

Fact-Checking Trump’s Insane Screed.  He might have been mistaken on just a few key points…like all of them.

How Jeff Van Drew Blew Himself Up Real Good.  I’m enjoying this. BTW, Here’s another guy trying to thread the impeachment needle. Think he’ll wind up satisfying nobody.

Pelosi Has The Votes.  BTW, didja notice that LBR didn’t make a public statement, unlike virtually every other D who supports impeachment? Had a spokesman do it for her.  Was she too busy to publicly say what any good D should say? Weak.

Another House Rethug To Leave Congress.  Once his district was ‘ungerrymandered’ by the NC courts, he decided to live to fight another day on a different battlefield.

How Can This Guy Be Free On Bail?  Let’s see, gets $1 mill from corrupt Russian oligarch, pals around with Rudy in Ukraine. He defines the terms ‘flight risk’ and ‘potential victim’. His removal from the scene would be convenient for all the criminals in this caper.

A Must-listen Podcast On McKinsey. Featuring our national grinch as a lead-in.  Listen and learn.

PG & E Has Its Feet Held To The Fire(s). $13.5 billion just for starters. This could never happen in Delaware.

Sen. Bruce Ennis Gets A Primary Challenger.  Blue Delaware has the story.  Y’know, people keep telling me that this area is changing.  Kyra Hoffner is pretty much as far away from Bruce Ennis as you can get in the D Party.  If Ennis retires, she will likely go up against Lumpy Carson. As the saying goes, in a battle of wits, he’s unarmed.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RSE says:

    So after Trump is acquitted, what will be the Dems next move? With a 35% favorable rating for Trump among African Americans, record low unemployment, and record high stock market, the Dems will want to “get in gear, man”. Maybe it’s time to activate Chuck Schumer’s “six ways to Sunday” guys.

    • Alby says:

      There is no favorable rating of 35% for Trump among African-Americans.

      The stock market is no measure of anything. Are you huffing gasoline again?

      • RSE says:

        Rasmussen 36% – Emerson 34.5% – Marist 33%

        • Alby says:

          That’s not approval, you simple-minded jackass. That’s “do you want him impeached.” Lots of Democrats think it’s going to backfire so they answer no. Capice?

          Jesus fuck, you really are either dumb or brainwashed.

          • RSE says:

            Those polls have nothing to do with impeachment. What drew you to that conclusion?

            • Alby says:

              Do your own homework. I looked them up, and they were totally about impeachment. Under 10% of blacks intend to vote for Trump.

              Don’t blow that Fox vapor in here.

              • RSE says:

                I did my “homework”… The November Emerson, Rasmussen and Marist polls show approval in the 30’s.
                Who knows, impeachment may play a part in the rising approval by African Americans for Trump, but it’s not the subject of the polls. I can give links if you don’t want to take the 30 seconds to look them up yourself.

              • Jason330 says:

                “Who knows, impeachment may play a part in the rising approval by African Americans for Trump, but it’s not the subject of the polls.”

                lol. Great stuff.

  2. jason330 says:

    Bye, bye Bruce.

    • The question he has to answer is does he want to run in a primary. He hasn’t ever had one before, and he’s been around a long time. First elected in 1982, I believe.

      If he decides not to run, then Ol’ Lump has to decide whether he wants to give up his safe House seat to run.

      This is the same question that Dave McBride would, and SHOULD, have to ask himself.

      I like Bruce, always have, but if he’s replaced by a more progressive senator, that bodes well for more progressive leadership in the caucus.

  3. Tulsi Gabbard still hasn’t made up her mind on impeachment. Waiting for Putin to get back to her…

  4. El Somnambulo says:

    Obamacare Insurance Mandate Struck Down By Federal Court:
