DL Open Thread: Thurs., Dec. 19, 2019

Filed in Featured by on December 19, 2019

Trump Impeached, But You Already Knew That.  Goes After The Dingells In Michigan.  Not only was he impeached. He may have lost Michigan last night. A lot of Dingell voters are/were Trump voters.

Mark Meadows To Retire From Congress To Do Something Or Other For Trump.  If he’s gonna do it before the election, which seems likely, he’ll be leaving sooner rather than later.

Obamacare Hangs By A Thread:

The 2-1 decision, by a panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans, left the fate of the nearly decade-old health law in limbo even as access to health care has become a central issue in the presidential race. Republicans, for whom a decision to throw out the law heading into the presidential election year could have been a political nightmare, seemed relieved, while Democrats issued a flurry of statements emphasizing that the law was still in grave danger.

‘Impeach And Hold’:

WASHINGTON — Speaker Nancy Pelosi indicated Wednesday night that the House could indefinitely delay sending the articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Senate, leaving ambiguous the timing of a trial to decide whether to acquit him or convict and remove him from office.

After historic nearly party-line votes to impeach Mr. Trump for two articles, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, Ms. Pelosi told reporters that she would hold the articles back until it was clearer that the upper chamber would give the case a fair hearing. The strategy suggested she was keeping the charges as leverage in a coming negotiation over the terms of a Senate trial.

But it could leave the matter in limbo until early January, delaying the start of a trial for an unknown period of time.

“We will make our decision as to when we are going to send it when we see what they are doing on the Senate side,” Ms. Pelosi said. “So far, we have not seen anything that looks fair to us.”

I don’t like this. I love this. If you’re a vulnerable Senate R, the longer the trial is delayed, the more vulnerable you become.  You can bet that that they’ll be pleading with Moscow Mitch to reach some accommodation. 

Trump Opposes Sanctions Bill On Russia Sponsored By–Lindsey Graham.  I can visualize ‘good angel’ McCain perched on one Graham shoulder while ‘bad devil’ Trump is perched on the other. Anyone betting on Graham’s ‘better angels’?

There’s A Democratic Presidential Debate–All White, Except For Yang.  Jee-zus, more Klobuchar. And bleeping Tom Steyer. Steyer’s on the stage and Cory Booker isn’t? I may not watch.

Meyer And FOP At War.  I’m with Meyer on this. The timing of this is more than curious–it’s deliberate.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. First Time Home Buyer Programs | December 19, 2019
  1. El Somnambulo says:

    Here’s what Mitch McConnell has in mind for this morning:


  2. RSE says:

    Mitch McConnel should just download and print out the articles of impeachment from the internet and wave them around like…”Hey Nancy, we don’t need you to physically run those articles over in a fancy little wooden box, we have them right here, isn’t technology wonderful.”…lol

  3. RSE says:

    Yeah obviously , but maybe he can get all George Stephanopoulos with it, you know how that guy gets? “Are these an exact copy of the articles of impeachment, yes or no?”…”Are those your signatures, yes or no?”… Yes or no, yes or no…You know how George Stephanopoulos works it.

  4. Arthur says:

    In the news journal article re: the cop allegations it seemed the complaints had been going on for years and the ncccops said “we never saw anything”. If you have a real harassment issue don’t go to hr or higher ups, hire an attorney right away

  5. RE Vanella says:

    “How capitalism works: Walton family (of Walmart) and Bezos (of Amazon) are the richest because Walmart and Amazon workers are among worst paid with fewest benefits and least job security.”


    Prof Richard Wolff


    Not a coincidence, folks. Sorry.

    • xyz says:

      Yes it does commie. You should have gotten yourself an education…

      • John Kowalko says:

        “You should have gotten yourself a brain”… I guess there’s a limited availability of them to you and the rest of the inbred population. Maybe when you are reincarnated it will be an upgrade (for you) returning as a sponge or some such species.
        Representative John Kowalko

        • xyz says:

          Typical Liberal…

          You make me sick.

          • John Kowalko says:

            You’re sick because you are infected/infested with that hate filled treasonous attitude of your hero “T.T.” (Traitor-Trump). His money grubbing paws are stained with the blood of the working poor, caged immigrant children, Kurdish women and men who have been betrayed, blacks and other minorities in America, Ukrainian warriors fighting for their freedom against the biggest threat to civilization (Putin), every working man woman and child, every veteran, even his own self-promoted base of “bible-thumping” evangelicals. Yeah “you make me sick” (typo alert) “you are sick” you selfish, unfeeling and conscienceless piece of trash. Go take your obviously self-loathing and insecurity laden personality back to the primordial swamp that you and others like you have oozed from and let us go about the business of curing the cancer, (which you and other Trumpeters have spread), that infects America. Freaking ghouls like you should change your dietary preferences and wean yourselves off of feeding on the misfortunes and flesh of the vulnerable families in our society. Merry Christmas Jacob (XYZ) Marley, pleasant dreams.
            Representative John Kowalko

            • RE Vanella says:

              Respect to the great Rep John Kowalko. You know we’ll always have your back.



              Solidarity is more important now than ever before.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    Can someone translate xyz’s comment to English please? What’s he answering Yes to? Wolff’s tweet argues that the wealthiest capitalists are best at exploiting labor & relying on the government to subsidized the welfare of the worker while paying little to no federal tax.

    So, yeah. OK. Right.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    The Facebook style reactionary uncle trolling makes me absolutely FURIOUS!!!!!!!🤓

    Cool freewheeling episode dropped yesterday. Karl & I commiserate on Jezza. We did not love Labour’s loss.

    We also chat Coons, the military industrial complex, bad faith anti-Semitism smears, & more.

    Here’s the iTunes version:


  8. nathan arizona says:

    Nice Shakespeare pun.

  9. That is a good tip especially to those fresh to the
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    A must read post!