Bulo’s Fave Tunes OF THE DECADE 100-81!

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Featured by on December 26, 2019

Man, what a challenge it was to put this list together. It took me months.  I’ll definitely be doing this in Spotify format a little later.  I had lots of input from my family, and their influence is shot through the list–at least where I agreed with them. 2010 to 2019 is a lot of ground to cover. I’m sure I missed some of your favorites. And likely some of mine. This is, in the end, my list. Please share songs that you really liked as well. 

Deep breath. Let’s kick it off with a Philly fave:

100. (2018)

99. (2016)

98. (2012)

97. (2016)

96. (2010)

95. (2012)

94. (2014)

93. (2014)  This was the first time I ever heard Leon Bridges.  I hoped he’d become a star. He has, and I’m so happy:

92. (2014)

91. (2017)

90.  (2014)

89. (2013) Is this the best non-Billy Bragg Billy Bragg song ever?

88. (2017)  We had ’em at the Arden Shady Grove Music Fest one year. Originally from Lititz, PA  This song was (IMO) a quantum leap for them. ‘Covering miles in a broken car’ indeed:

87. (2015)  One of my favorite discoveries of the decade. This song is inspired by the killings of Sandra Bland and Trayvon Martin. And ‘culture vultures’:

86. (2011)

85. (2010)  ‘I was carried to Ohio in a swarm of bees. I never married, but Ohio don’t remember me’.

84. (2012)

83. (2018)

82. (2012)

81. (2016)

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