Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Fri., Feb. 21, 2020

I’m not sure how this is news, since it’s been news every day for four years now, but Russia appears to be meddling in the 2020 election to get Trump another four years. When Trump found out the Democrats were informed of this, he sacked the director of national intelligence. In equally surprising news, scientists have determined that water is wet.

Trump offered the job of Director of National Intelligence to, naturally, someone he’s seen on TV, Georgia Rep. Doug Collins (the dweeby conservative, not the former 76er). Collins, who’s apparently smarter than he looks, turned it down.

I’m getting a distinct feeling that Mick Mulvaney isn’t long for the White House. He’s out there telling people — I’m not making this up — that America needs more immigrants to sustain economic growth. This is true, though not necessarily in the way conservatives think, but Mulvaney is surely on shaky ground because Trump has said the U.S. has reached its fire-marshal capacity.

Is Bernie Sanders a case of George McGovern all over again? Yes and no. The general outlines are the same but, as Yogi Berra once said, their similarities are different.

If you’re interested in scuba diving, take it up soon: Scientists have concluded that all of Earth’s coral reefs will be dead by 2100.

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