DL Open Thread Fri., Feb. 21, 2020

Filed in National by on February 21, 2020

I’m not sure how this is news, since it’s been news every day for four years now, but Russia appears to be meddling in the 2020 election to get Trump another four years. When Trump found out the Democrats were informed of this, he sacked the director of national intelligence. In equally surprising news, scientists have determined that water is wet.

Trump offered the job of Director of National Intelligence to, naturally, someone he’s seen on TV, Georgia Rep. Doug Collins (the dweeby conservative, not the former 76er). Collins, who’s apparently smarter than he looks, turned it down.

I’m getting a distinct feeling that Mick Mulvaney isn’t long for the White House. He’s out there telling people — I’m not making this up — that America needs more immigrants to sustain economic growth. This is true, though not necessarily in the way conservatives think, but Mulvaney is surely on shaky ground because Trump has said the U.S. has reached its fire-marshal capacity.

Is Bernie Sanders a case of George McGovern all over again? Yes and no. The general outlines are the same but, as Yogi Berra once said, their similarities are different.

If you’re interested in scuba diving, take it up soon: Scientists have concluded that all of Earth’s coral reefs will be dead by 2100.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Really looking to boost this action Monday to oppose the Amazon corporate welfare giveaway. We’re bringing a nice group. I’m sure this will be a first. I hope they realize when we turn up on a Monday at 9am to their little sham hearing that we’re actually quite serious about this.

  2. Matterhorn says:

    Did the Russians hire Christopher Steele again?

    • Alby says:

      Why would they? They already have the White House, the Senate and the House minority in their pockets. They aren’t wastrels.

    • ben says:

      just please stay out of it and let the nice canvassers for sanders do their job. I guarantee you they arent raising his poll numbers by screeching at people to bend the knee.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Yeah, imagine Bernard’s lead if I were polite on the internet.

        You get it. You really comprehend this on a visceral meta level. It’s absolutely stunning.

  3. Alby says:

    The Republican challenging Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar gives a new meaning for the term “running for office.” There’s a warrant out for Danielle Stella’s arrest after she failed to appear in court on felony shoplifting charges. So she’s running both for office and from the law.

    Wanna bet whether Trump pardons her?

  4. mediawatch says:

    Just an FYI, but you must have really pissed off the folks at Christiana Care.
    In a waiting area at Christiana Hospital yesterday, tried to access DL on my laptop, and I got this message:

    You are attempting to access a website or file restricted by Christiana Care policy

    If you are a Guest on our network and feel that the website or file that you attempted to access should not be restricted, please contact the IT Customer Service Center at (302)327-EMER.

    Christiana Care Employees – Please refer to the Christiana Care Internet Usage policy for guidelines on acceptable use of the Internet.

  5. Crazy Bernie says:

    Ok let’s be clear it’s crazy Bernie the Russians are trying to help.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Hahaha. The Russians!

      Every election cycle for the rest of our lives we going to have to put up with this fucking nonsense.

      Did Mueller testify at the impeachment? Is that over yet or nah? Haven’t been following it. Haha. Rube mentality.

      • Alby says:

        People should remember that everything the Russians are doing to disrupt the elections could just as easily be done by Republicans and it wouldn’t be illegal. There is no law against planting false stories on the internet. As Charles Pierce noted, the GOP is merely outsourcing their ratfucking these days.

        If “the Russians” were hacking voting totals it would be different, and I think there’s a non-zero chance they can influence that in some way — deleting voter registrations, perhaps? — that either weren’t detected or aren’t being acknowledged. But from what we know it’s not likely.

        The integrity of elections is important. OTOH, a mostly ignorant, misinformed electorate is one of the inevitable drawbacks of universal suffrage.

        The Russians didn’t polarize Americans. They’re merely taking advantage of a situation that already exists.

  6. Crazy Bernie says:

    Omar needs to be voted out she is not good for America maybe she is good for Somalia

    • RE Vanella says:

      Nah, go cry about it.

    • John Kowalko says:

      Dear trolling troglodyte (Crazy Bernie).
      “Not good for America” is that orange horse-hair coiffed traitor now occupying the Whitehouse. The indelible marks of hatred, resentment and dishonesty that he has imprinted on our democracy has been a blight on American idealism and the soul of our nation. Trump’s willingness and eagerness to work with Russia (the long-time foe of democracy and America) and its despotic, criminal and murderous thug Putin proves that he is “not good for America” and not good for the human race. He should be “voted out” and convicted of the endless war-crimes he has committed during these dark moments in America that he has reigned over. Trump’s reign of terror, hatred, abuse and racism should mark the lowest point in America’s history and hopefully be recorded as the low-water mark for American idealism and never repeated. Take your keyboard and your Fox, Hannity, Limbaugh, Carlson and Ingram talking points and shove them.
      Disrespectfully Yours,
      Representative John Kowalko

  7. RE Vanella says:

    As I said yesterday before the racism was removed, Ilhan Omar is one of the bravest Americans alive. I’ll protect her with my life if it comes to it.

  8. nathan arizona says:

    No you wouldn’t.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    Yes I would, actually. It’s funny how an anonymous person thinks they know me better than me.

    I met her once and have been in the same room. I would not hesitate to assist if violence was coming at her.

    You’re an anonymous person on the internet. You wouldn’t understand. It’s ok.

  10. RE Vanella says:

    I apologise for my bravery. Just because I’m far more courageous than you don’t beat yourself up. I don’t look at it like a competition.

    *narrator voice* –However, he actually does look at it like a competition–

  11. Alby says:

    I can’t believe y’all actually are having an argument about whether the statement was hyperbolic or literal.

    I’ll microwave some popcorn.

  12. nathan arizona says:

    Your revision to “assist if violence was coming” is not the same as saying you would “protect her with your life” and makes more sense. Protecting your family or certain friends “with your life,” sure. And if you were being hyperbolic, that sort of bragging is silly in its own way.

    • RE Vanella says:

      You’re cool, guys. Sure.

      Chris Matthews of MSNBC knew a Chicago cop¹ in ’71. Just wouldn’t vote for McGovern. Thought Muskie was “treated very unfairly”. Hated the Reds. This is scary. It’s happening again.

      ¹*narrator voice* –Det. Mike Wolitski eventually traveled to Chile to work in private security from ’73 to ’75. He died at his summer home in Lake Geneva, WI in 1983.

      • RE Vanella says:



        Who prefers fascism to socialism? Someone here was saying something like…. ah, forget it. You guys know better. Muskie got a raw deal. I’ve heard a lot of people say this. Maybe broker the convention & nominate super policy wonk Adlai Stevenson. He had academic plans coming out his asshole.

        Super president him. Ole Addy we called him

        (I love you you guys cause you’re very smart. Way smarter than me even.)

        • Alby says:

          It’s unlikely Sanders gets enough delegates before the convention to win outright, so you’d better get used to the brokered-convention stories.

          This is simply a prediction of probability based on current trends and conditions, not an endorsement of said outcome.

          • RE Vanella says:

            Bernie’s running the table. Polls show him possibly being the only candidate in the delegates for California. 425 or so to nil delegate count. No other candidate breaks 15%. You all are missing a trick.

            Drink your milkshake

            • Alby says:

              I don’t think you understand the delegate selection process in California very well.

              Of the 415 pledged delegates, nearly two-thirds – 271 – are chosen at the congressional district level. A candidate can capture anywhere from four to seven delegates depending on the size of a congressional district.

              The remaining 144 pledged delegates are distributed based on a candidate’s performance across the entire state. Among these 144 delegates are 90 at-large delegates and 54 pledged leaders and elected officials (PLEOs).

              The at-large delegates are everyday voters committed to a particular candidate, while the PLEOs consist of big-city mayors, statewide elected officials, state legislative leaders, state legislators, other state, county and local elected officials and leaders within the California Democratic Party who have committed to a candidate.

              To be eligible for a pledged delegate, a Democratic candidate must get at least 15 percent support statewide or in a given congressional district.

              Another 79 delegates are unpledged. The 79 so-called superdelegates are party leaders who can back any candidate they choose. They include Gov. Gavin Newsom, California congressional members, state party leaders and DNC members.

              To get all 415 pledged delegates, Sanders would have to win in every single congressional district in the state, many of which are more conservative. That’s highly unlikely.

              The 15% threshold likewise applies to each district. So while a candidate might not get 15% statewide, he or she can still get delegates in those districts in which they did.

              • RE Vanella says:

                I’m laughing so hard right now you have no idea. Just thinking of you breaking down that minute detail, cutting & pasting.

                Bernie will be making an acceptance speech in Milwaukee and you’ll be pulling out an abacus and slide rule.

                I fucking love this.

              • Alby says:

                Sure you do. Because you can’t count, and you don’t know how delegates are apportioned. Extra special points for suddenly caring about polls.

                He isn’t going to get 415 delegates from California. Hell, he can’t even beat Pete on delegates when he gets more votes.

                You’ll be wondering how the fuck he lost when everyone with a slide rule will already know.

              • RE Vanella says:

                Ok. Do you feel better?

                I’m still buzzing from last night.

                While you dipshits argue about esoteric rules and arcane process we’re going into the streets. Bernie is running the table.

                (I know how the delegates are proportionally awarded.)

          • RE Vanella says:

            This is what happens when you have poor coping mechanisms. It’s sad. This guy met Bobby Kennedy for Christ sake!


          • RE Vanella says:

            Bernie lost family in the Holocaust.

            Turn on MSNBC. It’s fabulous. They don’t get it

            • RE Vanella says:

              “We have underestimated the rage of the working class and the young working class.”


              Understatement of the cycle so far.

  13. RE Vanella says:

    What could I do to prove it to you? You seemed concerned about whether this is posturing or real or what. I appreciate your concern.

    (Do you guys have any clue what’s happening here? I feel like you don’t.)

    • Alby says:

      See my comment above. Repeat as needed.

      • RE Vanella says:

        I feel like Alby does understand.

        While this is a very far fetched scenario (my attendance, coincidentally, at an assassination attempt) I would obviously intervene. At whatever risk to myself.

        I’m sorry for any confusion. Please work on your coping skills. (Not Alby.)

  14. RE Vanella says:

    If a person were diving at Ilhan Omar with a knife. And if I were within a reasonable distance. I would jump the assassin.

    Is that explicit enough?

    Drink your fucking milkshake.

  15. RE Vanella says:

    Blue Delaware would endorse Adlai Stevenson

    (Is this comment violence?)

  16. Ben says:

    How are you melting down so hard rn? Ya boy is wrecking shop. I feel like bernard would want you to chill.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Haha. Yeah. Let me know what Bernie would want. Ok.

      This is getting silly.

      • Alby says:

        Dude, you apparently have no idea how you sound to normal humans. Let me clue you in, it isn’t good.

        • RE Vanella says:


          I love going through this primary with everyone saying I’m illogical and out of control.

          I’ve been right so far and will continue to be. So who looks normal?