Nevada Caucus Reaction Thread

Filed in National by on February 22, 2020

MSNBC:  Oh God! Sanders is going to be the nominee!

Voters:  Oh Good! Sanders is going to be the nominee!  

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Now more important than ever to get rid of Coons, a man who has promised to give Mitch McConnell veto power when Bernie wins.

  2. jason330 says:

    Chris Matthews net worth:
    $20 Million

    Chris Matthews’ MSNBC Salary:
    $5 Million

  3. Nancy Willing says:

    A Republican friend of mine (colleague of sorts) who is in the ‘right’ circles in New Castle County said it is floated that Coons is actually worth upwards of $500 million. Academic pedigree means a lot more to him than to me and the subject of our conversation this week had turned to Chris Coons being a Yalie and all. He was dead serious about Coons’ wealth so I figured he was on to something.

    I gave my standard joke that I liked Coons a lot more in DC than I did at county hall and related that, in my judgement, about a third of his legislative Senate work is directly related to his pocket in-so-far-as it’s helpful to the multinational WL Gore Assoc. business.

    Coons being adopted into the Gore family (which I haven’t independently confirmed) and long-time employee of GORE would lead to his holding of a crap load of GORE stock which is privately held and therefore the value is unknown.

    Open Secrets –

    And through the lens of a wingnut but still informative –

  4. RSE says:

    If Bernie doesn’t win the nomination there will be mayhem. If Bernie wins the nomination there will be mayhem…Who knew offering people more free stuff than an 80 year old man who just had a heart attack can shake a stick at ,would be so popular?

    • Jason330 says:

      Free stuff. Great. You are very smart.

      • RSE says:

        Certain items, healthcare being one of them, probably shouldn’t be labeled as stuff, but “stuff” is just a metaphor, it’s not important. What’s important is that even the percieved chance of a Bernie eventuality could be all the catalyst that is needed to tank a stock market that is statistically due for a major correction anyway, with probably the most influential DOW component (Boeing) , being stuck with an entire fleet of worthless airplanes , and then there is the sketchy Chinese virus…Bernie may skate in on turbulent times…Cue whatever are today’s version of the brown shirts at that point I would think.

        • RE Vanella says:

          If you’re more worried about the stock market than the people who die uninsured then I guess that’s on you.

          When this Congress allocated the military an additional $120 billion (greater than the Obama era levels) no one asked where the money came from or called it free stuff. Because it enriches Raytheon not the poor.

          See the new book The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton.

    • RE Vanella says:

      The ‘free stuff’ argument isn’t working.

      The Socialist argument isn’t working.

      The electability argument isn’t working.

      Please keep making these arguments.

  5. Bernie may have his issues, but there’s one thing he won’t have that Hillary did: an enthusiasm gap. It’s not so much free stuff, his platform offers people hope. People like my two daughters, who face onerous student loan debt.

    The coalition he put together in Nevada makes me more optimistic than I was yesterday. The Corporadems who have run this Party for the last 30 years had corporate $$’s. Bernie offers a different way and, IMO, a better way.

    No, I’m not all the way onboard yet (I wish the nominee was Warren), but I think he’s got a legit shot. I think his VP pick will be important, and I’m still all in on Stacy Abrams.

    • RE Vanella says:

      That’s the spirit.

    • RSE says:

      If you wish that Warren was the nominee, then why wouldn’t you want her as the VP pick? Don’t worry, I already know the answer.
      BTW your VP pick uses the same strategy as my Biden blueprint. The trick for this blueprint though is to convey to the voters that you won’t be serving a full term without making the whole ruse seem too obvious, but at the same time letting everyone knows that it’s obvious.

  6. Nancy Willing says:

    We can’t lose Senate DEMs with Republican governors. Sanders has to resign eventually from the Senate or there will be a GOPer in his place:
    Speculating on a Sanders nom: Sanders needs to make the decision on whether to resign between May and August, to trigger the special election for his successor on Election Day. Otherwise Gov. Phil Scott gets to make a temporary R appointment during the first 100 days


    MSNBC’s Ari Melber at least isn’t freaking out.
    Sanders leads in the measurable, objective ingredients for running and winning a campaign — delegates and grassroots funding.

  7. meatball says:

    I’m asking because I’m too lazy to research it…dose a senator have to resign if elected president?

    • Jason330 says:

      Yes. Whether or not to resign the seat prior to election results comes up as an issue once in a while.

      For example, Clinton’s running mate Tim Kaine didn’t give up his seat.