DL Open Thread: Sun. Feb. 23, 2020

Filed in Featured by on February 23, 2020

Will It All Be Over By Super Tuesday?  Sanders put together a racially-diverse coalition and made inroads among moderates.  Oh, and the last South Carolina poll has him within a couple of points of Ol’ Joe. I remain concerned, very concerned. But Bernie has by far the best organization going, and by far the best grassroots support. My answer to my question? Yes, I think so, for all intents and purposes.

Why Bernie Appeals To Latinos.  His economic message especially resonates. If he’s the nominee, Arizona is in play.  Bernie also has done well with unions, something that, say, McGovern struggled with.

Chris Matthews Poops Himself On Live TV.  In a country where the President has engaged Russia as a key campaign ally, Matthews loses it over Bernie Sanders.  I mean, seriously loses it.  Is a contract with Fox in the offing? Ditto for James Carville who, I assume was singing Hillary’s praises all through 2016. A fucking political genius. Look, I don’t know if Bernie is gonna win or if we’re headed for an electoral meltdown.  But these wheezing so-called centrists deserve to be put out to pasture.  They’re sore losers, pure and simple. Which reminds me, remember how we were all instructed to ‘suck it up’ for Hillary in 2016, which we did?  Does anybody think that Hillary supporters will return the favor in 2020?  Most of the voters, yes.  But the corporadems including Matthews and Carville? No fucking way.  They’re losing control of the Party, which is a good thing.

How Cops, Rethugs, And ‘Law & Order’ D’s Are Rolling Back Bail Reforms In NY.   Bad actors make bad policy. When it comes to policy, cops are always bad actors.

Experts Lose Hope That Coronavirus Can Be Contained.  As usual, the United States is ill-prepared for what is to come:

Meanwhile, in the United States, experts worry that the public health infrastructure is unprepared for a pandemic. The Trump administration has left a leadership vacuum at the Centers for Disease Control and stalled a biodefense strategy that would prepare the United States for epidemics. This week, the Washington Post reported that the State Department overrode the CDC to fly 14 infected passengers who were on the Diamond Princess cruise ship back to the United States on a chartered flight without telling fellow uninfected passengers. 

Only three states—California, Nebraska, and Illinois—have the ability to test for new infections, according to the Association of Public Health Laboratories. Even though the Food and Drug Administration approved a test two weeks ago, initial problems have delayed the roll-out for 100 public health labs nationwide. 

Trump blames this on Obama in 3-2-1…

Mayor Mike: ‘We Will Not Permit…Criminal Activities In Wilmington. Uh, Mayor Mike, the gun wielders do not need your permission. And, uh, Mayor Mike, having the police wait until after someone is shot to respond is indeed a form of permission.  Seriously, nobody’s gonna primary Buccini/Pollin’s favorite mayor?

Death Knell For Legislative Unionization?  Looks that way from a legal standpoint. I’m sure all staffers will now bring roses and genuflect at the feet of Our PAL Val. Not.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Nancy Willing says:

    Hey – you missed this – we’re in the LA Times today!!

    I helped reporter Melanie Mason gather contacts for her story last year and am thrilled to see so many of my friends got some good exposure for the Biden retrospective today! She found me through my blog, the Delaware Way.

    I got a mention (we had a bunch of email exchanges and a long in person interview) and D Marque Hall also met with Melanie and introduced her to a slew of Wilmingtonians while she stopped through New Castle County.

    Bill Dunn, Jakim Mohammed, Larry Lambert, Coby Owens, also Kerri Harris, Dennis Williams, Ted Kaufman and more!

    “The future of the Delaware Way may boil down to whether compromise, its central feature, is seen as a virtue or a vice.”

    “Joe Biden personifies the ‘Delaware Way.’ In Wilmington, that clubby style of politics is being questioned” By MELANIE MASON FEB. 23, 2020 6 AM WILMINGTON, Del. —


  2. Jim C says:

    “The Delaware Way” SUCKS.
    It involves colluding and conspiring with an enemy who wants to totally destroy any protections for the citizens won many years ago so that unchecked corporate money will fund their next campaign and the corporations make more money. “The Delaware Way” strategy is to concede to the enemy bit by bit while telling their constituents, “it’s the best we can do, we must work together to solve our problems”. The only people that this strategy helps are the people in government that perpetuate this theory. That’s Coons, that’s Carper, that’s Biden, and I don’t know enough about LBR cause she’s keeping her head down to avoid scrutiny hoping that the first three eventually fade away and she can be a Senator!
    When FDR in 1940 heard that southern Democrats were about to align against him to roll back his new deal, he wrote a letter that was to be read at the Democratic convention if they went through with their plan. The southern Democrats relented and returned to the fold. Here’s some quotes from that unread, unpublished till recently, letter:
    “In the century in which we live, the Democratic Party has received the support of the electorate only when the party, with absolute clarity, has been the champion of progressive and liberal policies and principles of government.
    The party has failed consistently when through political trading and chicanery it has fallen into the control of those interests, personal and financial, which think in terms of dollars instead of in terms of human values…
    It is best not to straddle ideals.
    In these days of danger when democracy must be more than vigilant, there can be no connivance with the kind of politics which has internally weakened nations abroad before the enemy has struck from without.
    It is best for America to have the fight out here and now.
    I wish to give the Democratic Party the opportunity to make its historic decision clearly and without equivocation. The party must go wholly one way or wholly the other. It cannot face in both directions at the same time.”
    Let us declare “The Delaware Way” DEAD!