Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Mon., Feb. 24, 2020

Trump And Modi: Two Despots With Love For Giant Crowds,  This picture is our present. Is it our future?:

Credit…Doug Mills/The New York Times

Someone On MSNBC Makes…Sense?  Today’s Must-Listen.  As Jason demonstrated in his piece, there are virtually no true progressives anywhere on talk TV.  Moderates by the score, but generally moderates informed and enriched by the corporate version of the Democratic Party.  Remember folks, the approbation we’re hearing from the talking heads is approbation coming from the plutocracy that dominates this country’s wealth. As a great bumper sticker reads: “The Liberal Media Is Only As Liberal As The Corporations That Control Them”.

The Green New Deal Is Not Radical.  Again, when a punditocracy becomes part of the plutocracy, ideas that make sense are belittled as radical.  When enough people don’t pay attention to the punditocracy, stuff can get done.

This Is Also True For Medicare For All.   Which, by the way, is less expensive and projects to save more lives than any other plan out there.  Not that the corporate punditocracy will ever say so.

How And Why Bloomberg Killed The Best Chance For Justice After 9/11.  Bloomberg was for holding the trials in Manhattan, until the cops and real estate developers complained. At which point he was against holding the trials in NYC.

Shane Darby–Her Fascinating Backstory.  Given a  choice between someone who runs to buttress their resume and someone who runs to accomplish something, give me the person who has demonstrated her dedication to helping others every single time. A person like–Shane Darby.

What do you want to talk about?

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