Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sat., April 11, 2020

‘This Passover, Let My People Go’.  Trump’s cruelty towards immigrants continues unabated. This Rabbi issues a clarion call to free them.  If we don’t don’t do God’s work, nobody will.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.:  GlobalUnited States.  The latest carnage:  501,615 confirmed cases, 18,777 deaths in the United States.  Over 2100 deaths yesterday, the first day that deaths have exceeded 2000. We may well pass Italy as the country with the most fatalities today. I dunno, that 60,000 projected figure is starting to look optimistic to me.

Rethugs Snuck Potential Windfall Provision For Trump And Kushner Into Stimulus Bill. We’re not talking ‘chump change’, either.  Unless you consider $170 billion (!) chump change.  Let’s call it what it is: Stealing.

Wisconsin Health Officials Seek Primary Voters.  Rethug legislators and judges forced Wisconsin voters to choose between their health and their right to vote.  Now, health officials are seeking to staunch the health threats caused by this cynical voter suppression tactic by trying to track down those who voted.  Even Barack Obama, who has been almost invisible for four years, is outraged

The Dip In Trump’s Poll Ratings Is Real.  It looks like people have caught on to the disparity between what Trump says at these daily briefings (yesterday’s nugget: ‘Staying at home leads to death’  ) and reality. 

Why Did White House Give No-Bid Coronavirus Contract To Little-Known Firm?  They’ve already handed out over $760 million in no-bid contracts.  Does anybody believe that these contracts are above-board?  Especially with Navarro and Kushner running point on these? In these cases, the White House overrode FEMA.  Guess they know better…

Delta To Flight Attendants: Don’t Tell Your Co-Workers That You’ve Contracted The Virus.  They’re managing a PR problem instead of protecting their employees. Tell me again why Delta deserves a bailout?

Bad Day In Delaware. 9 more deaths, 117 new cases.  I’ll say it again: While, under the best of circumstances, nursing home residents would be at great risk, the failure of the state and the federal governments to enforce laws already on the books has made that risk exponentially (that word, again) greater.

What do you want to talk about?

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