DL Open Thread: Monday, April 27, 2020

Filed in Featured by on April 27, 2020

260.000 Words. The NYTimes parses Trump’s pronouncements from March 9 through mid-April.  You might as well suffer through this once so you never have to do it again.  BTW, you might have missed this link that Mike Dinsmore provided yesterday, but this psychoanalysis of Trump seems terrifyingly on-target to me. Know your enemy.

Trump’s Snit Goes Far Beyond Just Dissing The WHO. JEE-zus, now he’s rerouting WHO funds that would have gone directly to the Feds. This is insanity.  Go back and read that psychoanalysis piece again.

Florida Is ‘God’s Waiting Room’. Thus saieth Gov. DeSantis.  Might as well ignore best practices, get ’em to Heaven as fast as possible.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  Global. US.  The latest carnage: 965,933 confirmed cases and 54,877 deaths in the United States.  Trump once said that limiting deaths to 60,000 Americans would be a ‘big win’.  Look for a big win by Thursday.  BTW, try counting from zero to 60,000 and see if you consider this Trump milestone a ‘big win’.

26 Million Americans Lost Jobs, Billionaires Added $308 Billion To Their Wealth.  They literally can’t lose, not even in a pandemic.  Shouldn’t they at least pay more in taxes?

Antibody Tests Are Close To Worthless. At least most of them. This is what happens when the government waives any type of quality review on the products.

Delaware Breaks Record For Infections In A Day.  Almost 75% of yesterday’s infections were in Sussex County.  311 out of 458.

Well, I’m going back to work today, so I might have been less wordy than usual.  But, there’s plenty here.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Sussex County filled with republican faux news watchers who do not not believe or follow science they only believe what the orange man says. They don’t do social distancing go to food markets with no masks even for their children. So happy Gov Carney is forcing everyone to wear masks otherwise the buffoon s would continue putting us all at risk

  2. Jason330 says:

    “Almost 75% of yesterday’s infections were in Sussex County. 311 out of 458.”

    Because of weak Democrats like Chris Coons, America conservatives have never paid a price for their diseased, anti-science, greedy worldview at the polls. #comity

    While it is nice that the malignant dummies are paying a price now, it is a price will be paid by all of us… and for a long time to come.

    • GeoBumm says:

      The link to the Sussex article is broken/mis-directed. It goes to the Politico article on antibody testing, nothing to do with DE.

      As much as I’d like to see the cons (and open up marchers) take it in the chops, in Sussex county it is more the poor and immigrants that are causing the spike due to the language barrier, fears/mistrust of ICE, and needing to go to work to actually live. The rich along the coast are probably having themselves a grand ol’ Covid. As long as they can stay in their gated communities, have their needs delivered, and need not mix with the hoi polloi, don’t look for their attitudes to change anytime soon. And you are right, actions by the anti-science-head-in-sand ostrich’s as well as astroturfing rabble-rousing ‘open up’ marchers will be paid by all of us for some time to come.

  3. Alby says:

    Next time somebody says this is just like the flu, give them this article from Josh Marshall at TPM. It touches on several articles that have come out in the past week or so that describe some of the mysterious characteristics of the disease that indicate the virus messes with victims’ blood in ways that aren’t yet understood.


  4. Alby says:

    Here’s the latest on the Tara Reade story. Another person who knew her back then confirms that she was told of the alleged assault, but once again there are no corroborating details.
