Biden’s Campaign is so weak they are terrified of Justin Amash peeling off 1% in Michigan

Filed in National by on April 29, 2020

This happens when your only argument is that you are slightly less bad than the Republicans.

Team Biden has no visible affirmative campaign, so it is in panic mode over the announcement of third party candidate that will impact the terrible “50%+1” electoral college strategy.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Ben says:

    Justin Amash is the only non-credibly-accused rapist in the race.
    I mean, im still voting for Rapist, Joe Biden, but jeeze. i didnt think i had much dignity left to flush after Hillary

    • Alby says:

      Yeah, it’s all about you.

      • Ben says:

        lol cute.
        Keep that in mind when you’re mystified as to why Biden loses because he couldn’t hold that ALMIGHTY centrist vote to Amash. I said im voting for the rapist, that’s a lot more than you’re gonna get out of a lot of people.

        • Alby says:

          Which people? How many people tell you how they’re going to vote?

          Joe Biden is a weak candidate. As I said, there are 99 reasons he could lose. This ain’t one of them.

          Justin Amash is a libertarian. How many Democrats desert ship to vote for a libertarian?

          • Ben says:

            none. but what Biden/Klobs are clearly worried about is losing REPUBLICANS to Amash….. republicans they are relying on to win. THAT is a failed plan if it IS in fact their plan, he must drop out now and let Warren or Sanders actually fight.

            • Alby says:

              Not gonna happen, and it’s not their plan. Trump is plunging with senior citizens for the obvious reason that Trump is actively trying to kill them. I don’t think they’re going to vote for Amash instead, and I don’t think they care whether or not he finger-banged an aide 25 years ago.

  2. Looks like Biden is not a credibly-accused rapist. Since I raised the issue, I think it’s essential that y’all read this piece. Pretty effective dismantling of the charges, don’tchathink?:

    • Bill says:

      Good piece, as someone who is just gunna vote Biden without much thought and hasn’t followed the story much. Its snake oil for people who are looking for an excuse to vote Trump or whatever bimbo the green party puts up. Smart of Biden not to address these accusations since they have no merit.