American Exceptionalism

Filed in National by on April 30, 2020

Population: 2.794 million
Covid-19 Deaths as of 4/30/20: 45

Sussex County De
Population: 234,225
Covid-19 Deaths as of 4/30/20: 58

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RSE says:

    That’s not what “American exceptionalism” is. American exceptionalism comes from its inception, and not some notion that we are better or smarter than everyone else…We are the exception to the rule.

    America was the exception to the status quo. The history of civilization for the most part didn’t include freedom and liberty to the standards set by the founding of our country…That is the exception and that’s why we are considered exceptional.

    ….And if you want to use a proper example of failing to suppress the virus, you probably should use some place like New York City , which, if it was a country, would have like the fifth most victims in the world.

    • Alby says:

      Except all the RWNJs tell me that NYC is exceptional because of population density, so even your side would reject that comparison.

      NYC, unlike Sussex County, is the airport of arrival for the majority of travel from Europe, so it was the first place on the East Coast that it arrived.

      Sussex County, by contrast, wasn’t even the first place impacted in Delaware.

      If you want to refute this post, the smarter way to do it would be to point out that Sussex has lots of retirees and meat processing, both of which are high-risk not just here but everywhere in the U.S.

      • RSE says:

        New York has been lacking concerning the way the Gov. and mayor have handled the pandemic. From orders that facilitated infection in nursing homes to only just now starting a program to disinfect subway cars.. it’s been pretty mediocre at best.

        As far as Delaware goes, well, who runs the state?.. And by the way, some countries are now using snow making equipment in the form of those huge blowers to disinfect areas….I haven’t seen anything remotely like that around here…Not even people with hand held sprayers.

        • Alby says:

          As far as Delaware goes, who runs and lives in Sussex County?

        • RSE says:

          As far as optics go, I think having a disinfecting task force would be a no brainer for a Governor of a state. At worst it makes you look proactive, and at best it actually helps.

          A bus that transports the people doing the spraying to the objective , and a support truck with the equipment and refill tank , is all that is needed.

  2. Jason330 says:

    What a stupid nit to pick.

  3. I Know It All says:

    As Delaware goes the Dems own the state and its failures

    Too bad idiot Alby is too dumb to get it

    • Alby says:

      No matter how many names you use, you’re the same dumbbell.

      If you actually read the blog you’d realize that we don’t think any more highly of Delaware Democrats than you do. But we’re also aware that Delaware Republican, like you, aren’t even useful as toilet bowl cleaners.

  4. Beverly says:

    Living in Europe for the past three years, I’ve gotten an up close look at how America is now viewed by folks from other parts of the world. Mostly, the people i talk to are incredulous that the country has imploded so quickly in the aftermath of the 2016 election. The best assessment I’ve read is the recent NYT piece on the leadership vacuum this has created…