BREAKING: Rep. Quin Johnson Not Running For Reelection

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 29, 2020

As usual, Matt Bittle of the Delaware State News had it first.  He was one of the more Chamber-centric D’s in the House Democratic  caucus, and he consistently opposed minimum wage increases.  Having said that, longtime DL follower Joanne Christian has praised Quin’s constituent service work.  The 8th RD is a Middletown-based district, and has the following registration:  9,284 D; 4915 R; and 4603 I.  This question from Matt is, to put it mildly, premature:

Will leadership replace Johnson with Capital Improvement Committee co-chair Deb Heffernan or someone else?”

That, of course, assumes that the Trooper Troika of Speaker Pete, Our PAL Val, and the former FOP head remain intact.  They could always count on Quin’s vote. Which perhaps explains why Longhurst had tears in her eyes today.

Wouldn’t be shocked if Quin has someone picked out to run in his stead. Which doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t file if you live in the 8th.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I would not be surprised if BHL got a heads up and had someone on deck.

  2. John Kowalko says:

    Consistently opposed additional tax bracket creations also. Our Dem caucus has had the super-majority necessary to create additional brackets for quite a few sessions. Bills were never allowed to the floor to protect dems who would have to **** or get off the pot.
    Representative John Kowalko

  3. Nancy Willing says:


    I had just this morning checked the website for the close of filing for GA etc and it is July 14th.

    What job may be waiting for Mr. Johnson, I wonder, a al Bryon Short……

    July 14, 2020 at 12 noon DEADLINE to file for a Statewide Office with the State Election Commissioner and for all other offices with the Department of Elections office for the county in which the candidate resides.

    Calendar 2020 candidate filing deadlines

    • Good catch. Only question–will it be in the public or private sector? He’s not leaving w/o something else lined up.

      • Arthur says:

        He wouldn’t quit if he had a job lined up for the state. That’s against the Delaware way to not double dip

        • There’s another Delaware Way approach–the one that Bryon Short and his predecessor Wayne Smith took. Have a job lined up that enables you to lobby the General Assembly on behalf of your new employer.

          There’s supposed to be a one-year moratorium on this, but it seems that it is being ignored.

          They’re far from the only ones. Roger Roy and Phil Corozzi had fully-formed lobbying agencies up and running as soon as they left. BOTH Terry Spence and Bill Oberle lobbied for the police right after they left/were defeated. Way too many examples to count.

          Don’t forget: Bobby Byrd was once a legislator.

  4. Who wants to set the over/under on the first D into the race being an ex-cop?