Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Weds., July 1, 2020

Is Trump Toast?  Yes, I think so. Historical precedent also suggests it’s so.

Russia Paid The Taliban.  Hey, maybe it was just for poppy seeds.  Trump has no good defense.  He’s only gonna have the dead-enders voting for him.

Medicaid Expansion Voted In By Oklahoma Voters.  Voted into Oklahoma’s constitution, no less.  In Colorado, a Q Anon RWNJ defeated a mere RWNJ incumbent congressman, making this red district vulnerable in November. The successful challenger owns a bar named Shooters, has all of her employees proudly open-carry their weapons, and illegally reopened her bar during the shutdown.

Trump: I’ll Veto Defense Spending Bill If It Includes Removing Confederate Names From Military Bases.  He might well have to.  Quite the pathetic hill to die on. Especially since some of the strongest proponents for taking down the names of the Confederate honorees are–descendants of the honorees.

Ohio Demands That GM Give Its Tax Credit $$’s Back.  On a strong bipartisan basis.  In Delaware, Barclays ships jobs to New Jersey, then gets yet another giveaway to bring back 60% of the jobs, at lower salaries. 

Dave Lawson Is A Stone-Cold Idiot. State Senator, ex-cop, gun range owner.  Insists that Delaware needs to completely reopen because ‘enough is enough’.  There’s a pretty good chance that, even in his district, voters will decide that they’ve had enough of perhaps Delaware’s worst legislator.  In a related story, Colin Bonini speaks on the Rick Jensen Show. Spews nonsense.

What do you want to talk about?

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