DL Open Thread: Sunday, July 12, 2020
Dems To Biden: GO BIG! Let’s be honest. Joe Biden has been extremely fortunate. He was almost dead in the water until Rep. Clyburn strapped him to his back and helped him win South Carolina. Joe Biden has had to do very little while Trump has historically melted down. I know, I know, can’t get overconfident b/c 2016. However, this is not about getting overconfident. This is about blowing up the entire Rethuglican Party. They’ve done it to themselves. This is no time to be cautious by protecting your lead by concentrating on Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pa. Trump is close to being universally despised, and he has abdicated presidential responsibility on every single issue. He’s not coming back from the dead this time, not with 200,000 deaths on his hands. So, yes, build out your campaign (as usual, Biden is moving painfully slowly), go everywhere where there’s a competitive Senate seat, and push for an overwhelming rejection of the Rethuglican Party. It’s right there. This can be a realigning election, if only Biden will campaign for it.
Welcome To The ‘Self-Perpetuating’ Recession. Sorry, Jared. The economy will not be ‘rocking’ by July.
‘Roger Stone Is A Convicted Felon. And Rightly So’. Nice of Robert Mueller to express a strong opinion on something.
Wisconsin Rethug Coughs On Convention Delegates. Oh, and tours a farmers’ market and a police station. Without a mask.
College Football And Covid: Imperfect Together. It’s only the mentality of the $EC-type coaches and, of course, governors, that make the season even possible, although I think the fall season will ultimately be cancelled. I can’t let this go, though, w/o quoting one of college football’s longest-standing idiots:
In an interview on Fox News, former Notre Dame coach Lou Holtz—an early and vocal Trump supporter—compared playing sports in the pandemic to the storming of Normandy: “[The soldiers] knew there was going to be casualties, they knew there was going to be risk, but it was a way of life,” he said.
As the article points out, it’s not just college sports, it’s the reopening of colleges altogether. Hey, at least Disney World is reopening.
Carney, McBride And Poore Kill Delaware Renewable Energy Standards Bill. Deplorable inaction from Delaware’s ‘leaders’.
What do you want to talk about?
I like to keep reading”ALL” your stuff local, National and sports. Go big daddy. Biden, campaigning on low energy, will someone tell him there are two senate seats in Georgia that are low hanging fruit? The senate is what we have to bring alone on the victory train. State legislatures as many as we can scoop-up. This election should be a Tsinami hope I spelled that right. But I would like a mandate so big that there is no question that GOP means Ghosts of the Past.
“… go everywhere where there’s a competitive Senate seat, and push for an overwhelming rejection of the Rethuglican Party. ”
On the macro and micro level, the problem with the Biden campaign is that Joe Biden likes Lindsey Graham and thinks they’ll work well together. Yes. It’s nuts, but it is the truth.
My issue with all the clean air legislation is that there’s usually a fee imposed on the tax payers to “support” these new companirs
Yes. We must invest in a clean future. That costs money. Taxpayers are such entitled stingy birches.
Yes like the money to bloom and fisker. Our future is much brighter thanks to the millions we gave them
Blame yourself. They were the result of people telling pollsters their No. 1 issue was jobs.
They were the results of Markell thinking he was smart. And my no 1 issue is and always will be education
Remember, polls are designed to speak for everyone. And they were the result of people clamoring for government to create jobs out of thin air.