Stay tuned for any and all last-minute filings. The deadline is 12 noon today. Here’s what has already happened since our last post:
1. David Lamar Williams Jr. To Primary Gov. Carney. A self-described community activist from Kent County. A welcome alternative to the bloodless drone currently holding the position. His website is pretty generic, but I’m glad we’ll at least have a choice, if only to register a protest vote against the Delaware Way.
2. Three-Way D Primary In RD 8. Matthew Powell joins Yvette Santiago and Rae Moore in the race to succeed retiring State Rep. Quinton Johnson. Powell is an attorney with Drinker Biddle & Reath in Wilmington. Or, at least, was. Didn’t find him in the firm’s directory.
3. A Bleepload Of New Candidates For Wilmington City Council. All D’s. This happens every time at the deadline. Here are the names: Ernest ‘Trippi’ Congo, At-Large; Robert Oliver, At-Large ; John Johnson, Jr., CD 2; Dorothy King, CD 2; Devon Hynson, CD 7; and Brenda Good, CD 8.
4. Three-Way R Primary In Sussex County District 2. Robert Wilson joins Lisa Hudson Briggs and Cynthia Green. Hmmm, Robert Wilson, eh? The (apparently) retiring incumbent is Sam Wilson. You don’t suppose…? We’ll know soon enough, but I’m betting that the Wilson family is seeking to continue its longstanding legacy of mediocre representation.
5. Jeff Cragg To Challenge Krista Griffith. Either I missed this, or the filing date is incorrect. I don’t think I missed it. Cragg got, wait for it, 28.6%, in his challenge to incumbent governor Jack Markell in 2012. He edged anti-gay warrior George Parish in a 2016 primary for insurance commissioner, and got 40% of the vote against Trinidad Navarro. This could be a close race, but I think that the trend is Krista Griffith’s friend here.
6. D Rachael King To Challenge Incumbent Charles Postles In RD 33. I believe that she is the office manager for Kent Landscaping. While this district has skewed R in recent years, Postles is no juggernaut. She might have a shot in a blue wave year.
That’s it for now. Stay tuned for updates up to and through the filing deadline.