Delaware Political Weekly: Filing Deadline Edition

Filed in Featured by on July 14, 2020

Stay tuned for any and all last-minute filings.  The deadline is 12 noon today.  Here’s what has already happened since our last post:

1. David Lamar Williams Jr. To Primary Gov. Carney.  A self-described community activist from Kent County.  A welcome alternative to the bloodless drone currently holding the position.  His website is pretty generic, but I’m glad we’ll at least have a choice, if only to register a protest vote against the Delaware Way.

2. Three-Way D Primary In RD 8. Matthew Powell joins Yvette Santiago and Rae Moore in the race to succeed retiring State Rep. Quinton Johnson. Powell is an attorney with Drinker Biddle & Reath in Wilmington. Or, at least, was. Didn’t find him in the firm’s directory.

3. A Bleepload Of New Candidates For Wilmington City Council.  All D’s. This happens every time at the deadline.  Here are the names: Ernest ‘Trippi’ Congo, At-Large; Robert Oliver, At-Large ; John Johnson, Jr., CD 2; Dorothy King, CD 2; Devon Hynson, CD 7; and Brenda Good, CD 8.

4. Three-Way R Primary In Sussex County District 2.  Robert Wilson joins Lisa Hudson Briggs and Cynthia Green.  Hmmm, Robert Wilson, eh?  The (apparently) retiring incumbent is Sam Wilson.  You don’t suppose…?  We’ll know soon enough, but I’m betting that the Wilson family is seeking to continue its longstanding legacy of mediocre representation.

5. Jeff Cragg To Challenge Krista Griffith. Either I missed this, or the filing date is incorrect. I don’t think I missed it.  Cragg got, wait for it, 28.6%, in his challenge to incumbent governor Jack Markell in 2012. He edged anti-gay warrior George Parish in a 2016 primary for insurance commissioner, and got 40% of the vote against Trinidad Navarro.  This could be a close race, but I think that the trend is Krista Griffith’s friend here.

6. D Rachael King To Challenge Incumbent Charles Postles In RD 33. I believe that she is the office manager for Kent Landscaping.  While this district has skewed R in recent years, Postles is no juggernaut. She might have a shot in a blue wave year. 

That’s it for now. Stay tuned for updates up to and through the filing deadline.

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  1. Karen Flowers files as a D in Wilmington CD 1. Her candidacy has been in the works for some time:

  2. Guess who just filed in RD 1? Yep, the ethically-bankrupt Charles Potter. He’ll have a rematch with Nnamdi. He will lose again. He’ll get less than the 40% he got last time.

  3. Calvin Brown files as an R for Wilmington City Council At-Large. A pastor. This guy:

    DOE now lists him as a D.

  4. Harold says:

    King works for Kathy McGuiness in the auditor’s office

  5. Woo-HOO! The corrupt Velda Jones Potter gets a challenger for City Treasurer, and he’s legit! DaWayne Sims. Treasury Implementation Project Manager for Citi, and Chair of the Board of Directors for the First State Montessori Academy.

    Y’know, if the Potter clan had a family crest, a greased palm would be displayed prominently on it.

  6. Terrell A. Williams files as a D for the SD 14 primary, which already features incumbent Bruce Ennis and Kyra Hoffner.

    Looks like an impressive candidate. In fact, a real impressive candidate:

  7. bamboozer says:

    Williams looks good, hope he prevails. As noticed Ennis is a good man but also a retired cop, time for a change here.

  8. Well, I think that’s it. There MAY be another filing or two downstate, but neither the Kent nor Sussex County offices saw fit to update their Facebook posts at all, and no more downstate filings have appeared online.

    I should be back in the next couple of days to break down Delaware’s most intriguing primaries. You know, clickbait.

  9. A couple of names that I either missed, or who were late entries:

    Donald Farrell, D-City CD 4. He will primary Michelle Harlee.

    Vash Turner, CD 5. He’s the incumbent, and I think he had been undecided about running again.

  10. SussexWorker says:

    Sam Wilson (age 83) lives at 15376 Wilson Rd Georgetown
    Robert D Wilson (age 50) lives at 15621 Wilson Rd Georgetown.

    I guess Robert Wilson will vote in the September Primary and maybe in the November General. Though registered to vote for 30 years, he has NEVER voted!

  11. Oh, Gawd. Look who jumped into that RD 8 D primary at the last minute. Ken Boulden, the Clerk of the Peace. He immediately brings the most name recognition and the least substance to the race.

  12. Oh, and someone named Lisa Darrah has filed for NCC Clerk of the Peace. Gotta say, that’s a sneaky and unethical move by both Boulden and Darrah. Boulden keeps his plans secret until the very end, and his hand-picked successor slides right into that spot.

    BTW, these filings were reported in the last 10 minutes.

    The filing deadline WAS noon, wasn’t it?

    What gives? Geek, any ideas?

    • liberalgeek says:

      The folks at DoE are insanely busy today. I think they are trying to get the voting machines redone for all of the school board elections, dealing with a dozen or more candidates filing at the last minute, etc. They locked the doors at noon and it sounds like there were 4 people in the office when they ceased admitting candidates.

  13. sussexworker says:

    How about this:

    Justin Wright filed in the Democratic Primary for Wilmington Mayor

  14. SussexWorker says:

    It is great that at least the State News covers who filed. If you read today’s print edition of the News Journal, you would only read crime reports in Wilmington- nothing about a mayoral primary and primaries for every council seat. So sad how low this paper has sunk.

  15. Just now we get a notice from the Department of Elections that Tyrone Johnson has filed as a D for Wilmington City Council At Large.

    Can someone, anyone, explain how this is happening 27 hours after the filing deadline passed?

  16. Del says:

    Powell is sean Tucker’s Lap dog….so hard no. We don’t need a developer attorney in Dover

    • That would make him the most Quin-like candidate in the race.

      Do you live in that district? Do you have a preference?

      • John Kowalko says:

        We don’t need another Quinn-like candidate or elected Quinn-like lawmaker.
        Quinn-like = Balanced Budget Amendment (budget smoothing), Oppose any progressive taxation (new brackets for the wealthy), Oppose $15 hr. minimum wage, Keep giving millions of dollars of taxpayer money to Charter Schools that have allocated transportation funds unspent for transportation, Keep giving hundreds of millions of taxpayer money to the wealthiest corporations in the world and to UofD with absolutely no accountability or transparency, protect the anonymity of LLC licensee owners (both foreign and domestic money launderers and grifters), anoint the State Chamber of Commerce to a cabinet position of influence in Delaware. Might as well have a Republican. At least we’ll be able to keep him out of a committee chair where the previous representative wreaked damage on the working people and carried the Chamber water with so much pleasure and enthusiasm.
        Representative John Kowalko

        • John Kowalko says:

          Oh and lest I forget Quinn-like = join and lead the Republicans in two different committees to prevent a bill banning carcinogenic, toxic Flame-Retardant chemicals from children’s toys and mattresses/furniture from being released to the full House. “We don’t want to burden the manufacturers or drive up costs of their products” So the answer is to continue allowing young brain growth to be stunted and increase the chances of cancer in Delaware families. Oh an interesting factoid. Banning sale of the flame-retardant containing mattresses in Delaware with its 900,000 customer base would hardly seem to be much of a burden for manufacturers when you realize that the sale of these death vehicles is already banned in over twenty other states including California with its 15 million person market. Maybe Quinn and Spiegelman thought that the major manufacturers are creating mattresses exclusively for Delawareans. Nothing like partnering with the American Chemical Policy people in order to serve your constituents.
          Rep. Kowalko

      • Del says:

        I actually do. Right now I don’t. With Quinn leaving so early close to the filing deadline we didn’t exactly get the cream of the crop. We will see…leaning to sherae though.

      • Joshua W says:

        Rae Moore has the best progressive bona fides in the race. I haven’t talked to her personally about her race but several people that I know and trust have, and they think she’s an excellent candidate.

  17. The seven-way R primary for governor is now a six-way primary. Brewing magnate Neil Shea has withdrawn from the race.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    Charles Potter dropped out of the RD1 race to run for an at-large spot on City Council.

    The deadline for dropping/switching (and still getting your filing fee back) is this afternoon.

  19. liberalgeek says:

    And now Ken Boulden has withdrawn from the RD8 race.

    • Haven’t seen the Boulden withdrawal yet. He withdrew for Clerk of the Peace, but is still listed for RD 8.

      If true, how smelly is that? He installs his his successor by manipulating the system.

      Annnd…now it’s official. Classless move as he leaves office.

  20. liberalgeek says:

    And Velda has decided to switch to the mayoral race.

  21. SussexWorker says:

    ok. Someone please explain to me how this is done.

    Tuesday at noon was the deadline for filing for office, which included a filing fee of 1% the salary for the full term.

    Today at 4pm is the deadline for withdrawing.

    Where is it written that after noon Tuesday one can withdraw from one race and switch to another? Withdrawal is obvious, but switching to another office is a FILING and there is a higher filing fee if the new office pays more.

    Otherwise, the game is to file for something minor and then switch after the filing deadline if you think you run for something better–as it appears the Potters are doing.

  22. liberalgeek says:

    And Vash Turner has now changed to the city treasurer’s race.

  23. Trippi Congo withdrew from the City Council At-Large race.

  24. jason330 says:

    If an incumbent files for re-election, but then drops out prior to the filing deadline, the filing deadline needs to be reopened.