DL Open Thread: Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 28, 2020

Trump Installs Pal As Postmaster-General.  Seeks To Sabotage US Postal Service.  Gee, ya think snail-like delivery of absentee ballots could impel Trump to rile up his mouthbreathers with ‘massive voter fraud’ charges?  Everything he does is criminal. Can someone wake up Tom Carper? Isn’t he a big post office guy?  Has anyone even SEEN Carper since the 2018 election?

Which Reminds Me–Trump Plays Rope-A-Dope On His Finances.  This will never end.

Trump Is ‘Woke’ Over Covid Because It’s Now Killing ‘Our People’.  Hey genocide’s OK when it is largely killing minorities.  But when it comes for his mask-dissing idiots….BTW, looky who just got sick. ‘We knew what we were getting into, but JEE-zus’. 

National Guardsman And Combat Veteran To Testify About Excessive Force Used On Peaceful DC Protestors.  I am encouraged by the response of many in the military to the misuse of federal power. ..as Trump doubles down on Portland.  He is a fascist and he is pushing our country towards fascism in plain sight. 

Environmental Racism Killing Minorities.  This is clearly true in Delaware, where a series of Chamber-influenced Democratic governors enable it to happen.  Any candidate for legislative office in communities who are impacted by this blatant truth must promise to fight this injustice if elected.

Is Covid Killing The Age Of Oil?  This could be that rare desirable by-product of the pandemic.

Delaware Rethug Party Endorsement Rundown.  What a poorly-written and poorly-researched article.  Couldn’t the reporter have at least, you know, talked to all the candidates?  Shoddy journalism makes me want to take a shower. And since I take one a week whether I need it or not, please excuse me…

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Jason330 says:

    “Trump Installs Pal As Postmaster-General. Seeks To Sabotage US Postal Service.”

    Operation Burn it all Down

  2. BTW, has anyone seen Julianne Murray’s signs? Worst signs of the cycle so far. Her name, which should by far be the most prominent feature of the sign, is rendered in painfully-thin blue lettering. You have to work to see it. With an optimal sign, you would have to work to NOT see the name, and still fail.

  3. mediawatch says:

    Saw Carper in the Dunkin’ on 202 on the 18th. So, as of 10 days ago, he was still alive.