Coons Mailer Makes Zero Sense

Filed in National by on August 7, 2020

Hey Coons,

You “fought to block” Trump by “working to unify Democrats and Republicans”.   

Guess what? I fought to make rainbows into candy by working to unify the letters P & Q!!

I mean christ! You actually paid someone to come up with this jarringly nonsensical word salad?  Please name ONE Republicans who worked with you to “block Trump’s dangerous agenda”…. ONE fucking name…. and not someone who quit the Senate or died.   






About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. Alby says:

    “Our progressive values”

    Like moving to make it illegal to participate in the boycott of Israel? That’s a progressive value?

  2. jason330 says:


    It is basically a list of things YOU, Coonsie, failed to do:

    – Fought (and failed) to block Trump’s dangerous agenda.

    – Working (fruitlessly) to unify Democrats and Republicans.


  3. There’s a ‘strangeness’ factor about Coons that cannot be overstated. His particular brand of religiosity, his fealty to Netanyahu, his obsessive need to be patted on the head by his Rethuglican colleagues.

    He’s been around for awhile, but I still don’t think we know him.

  4. John Kowalko says:

    I am proud to endorse Jess Scarane for U.S. Senate.

    As an elected official, who has served seven terms, I am often asked for my opinion of different candidates vying for elected office. It would be presumptuous of me to try to define the sincerity of an individual candidate’s intentions or motives for attaining office or the ideals that motivate them. However, it is logical for me to examine the historical record of elected officials’ performances and positions and let the public know my appreciations or concerns.

    Scarane has demonstrated a commitment to putting the public interest above the special interests of the most powerful influencers who currently dominate the American government landscape.

    Scarane’s total support for the American working families is evidenced in her uncompromising support for a $15 per hour federal minimum wage, a repeal of Taft Hartley and her refusal to accept all corporate PAC money. We need a senator who will support working families.

    Scarane’s believes that healthcare is a human right and she supports a “Medicare for All” policy that would dramatically lower health insurance costs and allow more families access to health care. We need a senator who believes in healthcare for all.

    One of the consistent drivers of excessive healthcare costs has been the greedy, monopolistic pharmaceutical industries’ position to squeeze excess profits from the public and the small businesses.

    Scarane won’t take a dime of PAC money from the pharmaceutical industry. We need a senator who will refuse money from Big Pharma that’s intended to influence her decisions.

    Scarane understands that climate change is a global crisis, and that we must act aggressively. She supports a Green New Deal to remake our energy system and infrastructure with the goal of divesting from fossil fuels by 2030.

    I have always believed that the needs of the people should be paramount in all the decisions that elected public servants make. I believe that the public’s voice must be heard and listened to. I believe that it must be amplified not just echoed. I believe the publics’ needs must be fulfilled not just acknowledged by all elected public servants. I believe that in Delaware and throughout America the preservation of the “status quo” has caused a rapid deterioration in serving the public needs. I believe that the “status quo” must be challenged, changed and in some cases dismantled.

    These are the issues of the highest importance to the public’s welfare and these are the reasons that I am endorsing Scarane in the Democratic primary for Delaware’s U.S. Senate seat.

    I am urging all workers, their families, Delaware’s small business communities and every individual who is struggling to vote for Scarane on Sept. 15.

    It is time to cast aside the special interests that wield almost all of the influence in America and Delaware. It is time to close the doors to the obscenely wealthy corporations and other special interests that have unfettered access to our elected officials. It is time to change the cycle of maintaining the status quo which serves the special interest and hurts the least powerful among us.

    It is time to get out and vote for Scarane. It is time to elect Scarane as our next U.S. senator.

    — John Kowalko

    Read online:…/delaware-jess-…/3291017001/

    • Not a Dem Socialist says:

      Please retire.

      • Alby says:

        How would you feel if we said “Please stop commenting”? Same thing. Do you live in his district? Why not? If you feel that strongly, move there and vote against him.

        “Not a Dem Socialist” means what? Accomodationist Democrat? Fascist Republican? If you’re not a Dem Socialist, what are you doing here? If you’re not one of us, you’re not welcome.

  5. Nancy Willing says:

    The Kowalko rebuttal yesterday fyi –
    8/6 News Journal

    Coons is right for Delaware

    Regarding ‘Scarane is the right choice for U.S. Senate,’ Page A6, Aug. 5:

    Rep. John Kowalko has been cloistered in his basement way too long. His endorsement of Jess Scarane over Senator Chris Coons is wrong-headed and foolish. Scarane is an individual who has never held an elected office, nor run for an elected office. She is a proponent of radical left-wing ideals and is not someone that Delaware needs, or wants in Washington.

    Coons is the smartest elected official that I have ever met. Every time Coons steps off the train in Washington, D.C., the IQ of the Senate is raised by 20 points. He is the most knowledgeable, and down to earth person you ever want to meet. He has been elected as the New Castle County Council President, and ultimately elected as the New Castle County Council Executive where he served six years. As New Castle County Council Executive, he maintained a balanced budget, ended with a fiscal surplus, and maintained an AAA bond rating for New Castle County. Coons is the Vice-chair of the Senate Ethics Committee, and serves on the Appropriations, Foreign Relations, Judiciary, and Small Business and Entrepreneurship committees. Coons is truly the ‘diamond’ from the Diamond State and is the person to take all our interests to Washington. Coons is the one that needs to be reelected to the U.S. Senate in 2020.

    — Alfred Erskine, Laurel

    • Alby says:

      I agree that he’s the smartest Delaware politician. I do not agree that he’s down-to-earth.

      I would also point out that he’s unsurpassed in misrepresenting himself to the public and is an utter coward — while he privately fretted and stewed about Tom Gordon’s fascist administration, he never publicly challenged him.

      As New Castle County executive, he maintained a balanced budget only because Gordon destroyed the dedicated sewer fund and used its tens of millions of dollars as general funds, something Coons did nothing to address.

      BTW, ask his former aides about what a swell guy he is behind closed doors. Little man has a temper.

      He has done nothing for Delaware that any half-witted apparatchik wouldn’t have done. He’s a trust fund baby who represents the rich and corporations. He serves as an effectively Republican senator in an overwhelmingly Democratic state.

      Alfred Erskine is 74 years old. It’s time we stopped listening to the fossilized turds of the state “Democratic” party and started electing people who will look out for the people instead of the people’s corporate overlords.

      • His wife once ran for, I think, State Rep from, I think, the Newark area.

        She now lives in Laurel where she ran for the School Board last month and got, wait for it, 29 votes. Finished an extremely distant last.

      • marpar128 says:

        Will the News Journal accept a rebuttal to a rebuttal? I’m relatively new to Delaware so this info about his time as NCC Exec is new (but not surprising) to me. Thanks for the insight!

  6. DE Voter says:

    I’m voting for Coons. Cancels your vote.

  7. Mitch McConnell said tonight that there are 15-20 Rethuglicans who won’t vote for any relief package, Coons isn’t bringing any of them on board. He’s also not gonna take the lead in passing the kind of package that the D’s passed in the House. Jess Scarane would be strongly on board with such a package.

    Just one more reason why we need to replace him.