Delaware Liberal

Open Thread – Saturday August 29th


The crowd at Trump’s NH rally just booed an announcement telling people to put on their masks

Can Biden win without the leftwing of the party? a lot of DC elites (including Biden) think that he can. The irony, of course, is that Biden is pilloried as a RADICAL LEFTIST anyway, so he could pivot to the left without losing any of the mythical “middle” but what do I know, I’m just a blogger.

Facebook removes troll network posing as Black Trump supporters
The company says activity by the pro-Trump network originated in Romania
. Pro Tip: If a post starts out with “I’m a lifelong Democrat, but…” it has a 93% chance of being Russian garbage.

Why is this shady NJ super-PAC supporting Ennis & Jones and ONLY Ennis & Jones?

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