DL Open Thread: Monday, August 31, 2020
Trump’s RWNJ’s Come To Portland. Make no mistake: The white nationalists are taking their cues directly from Trump. He creates the crisis, then blames it on ‘Democrat mayors’. Will Biden be able to place the blame where it belongs? If history is a guide, I doubt it.
Racism Of Marines In Clear Relief. They won’t promote a battle-tested Black soldier who everybody but Marine leadership believes deserves it. They never have:
But never in its history has the Marine Corps had anyone other than a white man in a senior leadership post. Colonel Henderson is Black.
Proud and fierce in their identity, the Marines have a singular race problem that critics say is rooted in decades of resistance to change. As the nation reels this summer from protests challenging centuries-long perceptions of race, the Marines — who have long cultivated a reputation as the United States’ strongest fighting force — remain an institution where a handful of white men rule over 185,000 white, African-American, Hispanic and Asian men and women.
A Way Out For R Voters. Vote for Biden. Tell people you voted for Trump. ‘No one will ever know’. BTW, Don Winslow has written brilliantly about the drug war at the border. It’s fact masquerading as fiction. Highly recommended.
Cali Knows How To Stop Megafires, But Doesn’t Do It. Controlled burning. Read this, then ask yourselves, why don’t they do it?
The ‘Swift Boat’ Guy Is Back To Rescue Trump. One Chris LaCivita. They’re trying to tie Biden to the Defund the Police movement. They succeeded against John Kerry, who is to say they won’t draw blood this time?
Croda Is Evil. It is a serial polluter of the surrounding neighborhoods. Now they’re going after the County for its moves to limit the height of the Minquadale landfill. I was helping on a lit drop for Marie Pinkney on Saturday in Minquadale. Anybody living in West Minquadale has to deal with that relentless stench all the time. It’s less environmental racism than it is environmental class warfare. Dave McBride got donations from both Waste Management and Waste Management’s lobbyists, and forced through an increase in the height of the landfill. Marie Pinkney supports the people who live there. McBride thumbs his nose at them. There is no starker choice this election season.
What do you want to talk about?
Oh yeah, the Matt Meyer role in CRODA fiasco…..nothing to see here DL?
“Matt Meyer and his Land Use Department may have been pulling a fast one on the public. It appears likely that when they got word of CRODA’s intention to sue over last year’s NCC Ord. 19-046, they tried to sneak a racial justice-environmental justice issue past everyone–in the form of NCC Ordinance 20-008.
The county had acted to return all Heavy Industrial (HI) zoned parcels to Use-By-Right status this year (all but landfills) by way of January 14th 20-008 legislation sponsored by NCC Council’s Land Use Committee Co-Chair Republican Janet Kilpatrick and not one single elected or public sector staffer ever let on that a pending lawsuit was driving that action. Wasn’t it though?
Ord. 20-008 Synopsis: This Ordinance clarifies that heavy industry uses are permitted by right in the Heavy Industry District. The solid waste landfill use is listed separately and is only permitted as a special use. Referred – Department of Land Use – 1/15/20
Ord. 20-008 was stopped with unified, loud, and organized public opposition at the Planning Board stage in the spring.
Traditional Delaware environmental groups and newer environmental justice groups aligned forces with civic leaders and local fenceline community residents all joining in to protest Ord. 20-008 and the dissolution of the protections provided to residents under Ord. 19-046 AKA” The Landfill Bill” and all have vowed to continue the fight.
In the face of great public rebuke before the Planning Board, Meyer’s Department of Land Use pulled the legislation for revision saying they would hold a community meeting and gather more input. [Read about the Community led meeting HERE and below.]
But at that meeting, General Manager Rich Hall insisted on sticking to his narrative that the 2020 bill was a fix because the earlier bill (Ord. 19-046) had had the unintended consequences of removing the byright status of all of the HI zoned parcels in the county, not just landfills: The June 24, 2020 NCC Heavy Industrial Uses Meeting
Presentation can be viewed here.
The meeting video can be accessed at the link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/zu1OMb3qsUxIbKvrwWT1e4MDQIPhaaa82ncfrKJcnRmKcu1cU177binbxvF5yHVJ Password: 0w!jc1.^
The live chat (comments and questions from attendees) can be view here.
Meanwhile, as you can hear if you listen to the meeting at the link above, and unfortunately for Rich Hall, Councilman David Carter had plenty of evidence to dispute Hall’s outrageous and insulting fantasy that portions of Ord. 19-046 text were unintentional. Carter gave a rebuttal to Hall at that meeting and offered to send the evidence. I emailed him right away, requesting all of that evidence and he obliged.
Here it is in late August and the public has not yet heard back from Hall about the supposed revision legislation. And yesterday, it was made apparent in media reporting that this likely behind-the-scenes scenario (Ord. 20-008 and the drummed up pretenses to fix Ord. 19-046) was playing out to get rid of the Special Use requirement for HI zoning so to get out of the way of the pending legal action.”
Your hatred of Matt Meyer is well-established. I understand, you were no longer on the payroll. But that has nothing to do with this issue, which is about Croda and its ongoing poisoning of the surrounding neighborhoods.
The belief that a union stooge with no political experience would do something else is the problem with the premise.
Winslow’s books are fantastic.
As i mentioned yesterday I am worried about biden. the more trump gets out in front of him and blames the democrats and cities for everything the more weak biden looks when he says ‘nah-unh’. and if harris becomes the strong one then it is a proxy vote for her that trump will jump on saying biden is too old and weak to be president.
The masochistic anxiety of Democrats is a permanent condition in our politics.
We are in a civil war. Its the cops, the white nationalists, the GOP and probably up to 1/4 of the military against us. I hope we’re all ready.
Have you bought a military-style rifle?
Such a weapon would be kinda pointless.
I have no desire or plan to engage in any violence, but my home would be a pretty difficult thing if the Boogaloo boys decide to go “foraging”.
Being ready can mean a lot of things.
Pointless? How so?
Hiding at home is your response to a civil war. Interesting.
Not all of us can flee to France.
Nor can I. We are the world’s pariahs.
So try again. What are your plans for the civil war, to hunker down and see who wins?
Interesting you think there will be a “winner”
Ah, so it’s the apocalypse. A masochistic anxiety freak with big dreams.
So interesting you think the rest of the world will care/be that affected by our national collapse. Best case scenario is fewer than 2m dead and we fracture into 6-8 smaller countries.
Im sure blogging and snark will still be valuable skills, so you should be fine.
So interesting that you think the country with the world’s largest military by far will disintegrate without its ripples covering the world.
Take your tiresome gloom-saying somewhere else.
If you have any skills, you have yet to evidence them in years of posting your shit.
From yesterday, interesting Senate primary previews
Saw the results of games being played with the post office today in Smyrna, long line of customers and just a single clerk working the counter, this is a sick game by Trump. In so many ways we are a failed state, and it’s only going to get worse.
A forcibly failed state. To paraphrase Ray Stantz, it was working fine until it was shut down by dickless here.
That’s what I heard.
My friend saw this today in Wilmington.