DL Open Thread: Sunday, September 6, 2020

Filed in Featured by on September 6, 2020

Trump Counting On Vaccine To Save Him.  Can Trump actually lose the anti-vaxxers’ vote?  We’ll see.

Boats Sink At Trump Flotilla Rally.  Will the campaign pay for the costs of the rescues? No.  This campaign sticks governments with unpaid bills all the time.

YouTube Trump’s Secret Weapon?  They’re spending big bucks there.  Will D’s wake up? Do they need to?

Dems Belatedly Begin To Close Data Gap.  This ongoing failure defines the term ‘political malpractice’.  How valuable could this data be?:

Democrats already have evidence of how crucial the data can be. When party officials did a test run of their system last year for the Kentucky governor’s race, three weeks before the election, the data exchange produced a list of 14,483 voters who supported Andy Beshear, the Democratic candidate, that the Kentucky Democratic Party did not already have in its own voter database.

The party went on to contact them all, said Mary Nishimuta, the executive director of the Kentucky Democrats, and 9,587 of them voted. Mr. Beshear won the election by 5,086 votes.

The Big Lie: Rethugs claim that only about 10,000 have died from Covid.  I, uh, somehow think that families who have lost loved ones to the virus will not be convinced.

Mark Zuckerberg: Con Man Pretending To Be ‘Defender Of Democracy’.  He’s already had an outsized and disastrous impact on our democracy.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    The boat stuff is funny, but I watched the actual feed and I have to say – there were a lot of fucking boats out on that water.