DL Open Thread: Weds., September 23, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on September 23, 2020

Rethugs Unite To Destroy Obamacare, Roe V. Wade.  Any name will do. Purists vs. ‘Pragmatists’.  Coons reaches across the aisle to do nothing. Possibly the worst D senator in the entire body.  Which reminds me…

Feckless Dems–Feck.  They won’t even get rid of the filibuster. Which the R’s already got rid of.

Covid-Denier, Former Legislator, Dies Of Covid.  Submitted w/o comment.

Bloomberg. LeBron, Paying Off Florida Felons’ Debts.  Pretty strategic targeting as well:

The Bloomberg memo pointed out that the 31,790 targeted voters, including 25,548 who are Black, are nearly equivalent to the margin by which Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) won election in 2018, and about three times as big as the margin that elected Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) that same year.

Another US Covid Spike. 22 states report rises this week.  Only 9 states had spikes the week before. You may have missed it with the Supreme Court coverage: Over 200,000 Americans have officially died of the disease. The subject has been changed.

Jersey Criminal Cops Often Walk Free.  Could this change?

O’Rourke Going All Out In Texas.  Will Biden or Harris show up?

The First Post-Primary Delaware Debates.  Nobody said anything surprising.  Although I’m liking LBR a little more than before.

Writer’s Note: I’m using a more economical style on the Open Thread.  Trying to become a better writer (insert joke here) by making my point as concisely as possible.  I think it gives more room for commenters to fill in the blanks.  May work, may not. I like it so far.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. delacrat says:

    “Democrats shoot down talk of expanding Supreme Court”- The Hill

    Americans need to disabuse ourselves of the interpretation of Article III, Section 1 that federal judges have lifetime appointments, when in fact it only states federal judges “shall hold their Offices during good Behavior”.

    What does “good Behavior” really mean? Bush v. Gore, Citizens United v. FEC ?

    If you ask what other parts of the Constitution mean, for example “cruel and unusual” or “A well-regulated militia”, would there be any general agreement on what they mean, and if there is no general agreement on meaning(s) do they mean anything in practice?

  2. Headball says:

    Your Bloomberg/LeBron article is linking to the previous article on the TN councilman