DL is Down – Provisional Open Thread

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on October 1, 2020

The site is broken.

We are looking into it. It is probably my fault (jason330). If the site was a car, it would be a car I got in 10 years ago, drove everyday and never checked the oil. I hope it can be saved because there is great reporting from El Som, Alby and others locked in the archives.


– Trump has Covid. Not shocked. God (or whatever) will not be mocked.

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  1. nathan arizona says:

    Good job finding Davis and Reddy together. She is wornan. He is man. He is better at music than she. She and Him (the band) are better than both

  2. jason330 says:

    Does part of me hope that all of the devils who have come in contact with Hope Hicks end up on ventilators? Yes.

    For the damage they’ve done to the country, it would be a small measure of justice.

  3. Amy Coney Barrett is on record for calling for an end to Roe v. Wade:


    BTW, looks like the glitch has been corrected, but too late for me to do an Open Thread before work.

  4. Mike Dinsmore says:

    It’s a sorry state of affairs when the president is such a proven liar that you can’t even believe him when he tells you he has COVID-19. What’s his ploy?

  5. Delawarelefty says:

    As far as the White House squatters…….”I don’t really care…do you?”

  6. Jim C says:

    I like a President who didn’t get COVID!

  7. puck says:

    Trump is going to Walter Reed…announced after markets closed. Marine One is currently idling on the WH lawn. The drama is – will Trump walk to the helicopter?

    • As Brian Williams said, the White House wouldn’t say anything BUT that this is out of an abundance of caution. This wouldn’t be the first White House to downplay a visit to Walter Reed.

  8. Andrew C says:

    Thoughts and prayers to COVID-19 for a quick and full recovery from Trump.

  9. Alby says:

    This is exactly the kind of plot twist you get when the producers find out the show has been cancelled.