How Cathy Cloutier Sold Her ‘Independent Voice’ To Her Senate RWNJ Colleagues For A Few Extra Bucks

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 20, 2020

Chris Kenny and Cathy Cloutier are trying for a political makeover. They are portraying Cloutier as an ‘Independent Voice for Brandywine Hundred’ and even, wait for it, a ‘progressive’.

As is always the case with Cathy Cloutier, the ‘nice lady who can’t stop lying’, the truth is the diametric opposite.

FACT: Cathy Cloutier is the Senate Minority Whip.

FACT: Her colleagues in the Senate Republican Caucus chose her for that position.

FACT: Cathy Cloutier SOUGHT that position. 

FACT: In order to hold such a position, Cathy Cloutier needs to keep her RWNJ colleagues happy. That is the ONLY requirement for the job.

FACT: Cathy Cloutier gets paid extra for holding this position.

Not only is Cloutier not an ‘independent voice for Brandywine Hundred’, she is a captive voice (by her own choice) for her Senate Rethuglican colleagues.  If she had at any point been an independent voice, she sold out for a few extra shekels to the following senators:

Ernie Lopez-NRA Lackey–and a chicken. Sound familiar? Voted against marriage equality.

Anthony Delcollo-2nd Amendment absolutist.  On the board of the Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association (Delaware’s mini-NRA).

Dave Lawson-Ex-state cop and gun range owner. Fierce opponent of ‘Sharia Law’.  Fierce opponent of any regulations on firearms sales.

Colin Bonini-Has he ever even voted for a state budget?  Yet he never repays the state for meetings he didn’t attend.

David Wilson-A longstanding legislative zero on progressive legislation. Not to mention, a marble-mouthed auctioneer from Lowest Slowest.

Brian Pettyjohn-Another official legislative zero on progressive legislation, Fierce opponent of gun control, even tried to board a plane with a gun.

Gerald Hocker-Opposed marriage equality, equal rights for the LGBTQ community, and, of course, any form of gun control.  Surprisingly low-key, we’ve hardly written about the guy.

Bryant Richardson. Forced birther. Uses ‘Jesus’ to justify far-right positions.

Cathy Cloutier had a choice.  She could try to claim the mantle of  ‘an independent voice for Brandywine Hundred’, or she could sell out to the menagerie of miscreants highlighted above.

She sold out. She sold out her constituents. All for a few bucks that will also increase her legislative pension.

Which she can, and should, start collecting the day after the election.

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  1. Headball says:

    Cathy has a commercial on CNN I just saw. Mentions her “independence”

  2. puck says:

    From wikipedia:

    A whip is an official of a political party whose task is to ensure party discipline in a legislature. This means ensuring that members of the party vote according to the party platform, rather than according to their own individual ideology or the will of their donors or constituents.

  3. mediawatch says:

    Of course, once she’s been bought and paid for, can’t imagine her whipping any of those thugs into line.