DL Open Thread: Friday, October 23, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 23, 2020

Trump Campaign Spying On Philly Drop Boxes.  It’s voter intimidation, pure and simple.  I cannot overstate the degree of voter suppression going on this year.

Court Rules That Uber And Lyft Drivers Must Be Classified As Employees.  Something tells me that the Supreme Court will get hold of this issue, and the results won’t be pretty.

Could Phasing Out Oil Cost Biden?  I give him props for saying it.  It could cost him politically, though.  BTW, we had two marble-mouthed speakers on that stage last night.  Trump’s not the only one who benefits from low expectations.

Legalizing Marijuana On Several States’ Ballots.  It’s time for John Carney to take the blinkers off and support legalization.  Yo, John, two-thirds of Americans support legalization.

‘The Militia That Fox News Built’.  Real fake news is now firmly ingrained in America.  Not a good thing.

Why Primary Challenges To Incumbent D’s Are Necessary. Dianne Feinstein sucks. Royally.  We’ve thankfully finally learned this lesson in Delaware.  I’m already putting together a post-election list of Delaware D’s who need to be challenged in 2022.

US Sets Record For Most Daily New COVID Cases. 77,000.  Around that corner is…an oncoming train?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Hop-Frog says:

    In a Cathy Cloutier update of a sort, I got a lit piece from her in the mail attempting to refute Kyle Gay’s charge that she opposed gun control legislation. Have to admit I didn’t read it thoroughly, as the recycling bin is between my mailbox and the front door.

    Speaking of Kyle Gay, when I checked the Daily Mail website post-debate last night to see what Murdoch’s people had to say, there appeared a 15-second pop-up video ad for Kyle! Talk about covering all the bases. …

  2. Yeah, she claims that Kyle is lying about her gun control record. Claims she only has a ‘C’ rating from the NRA.

    Which might be true…this year. But she’s gotten consistent A to A-minus grades from them over the course of her career.

    AND, there’s no way she can rationalize her vote in the Senate Executive Committee to bury legislation to ban military-style assault weapons in Delaware.

    AND, the best she’s got is that the NRA ‘only’ gave her a C ranking? In Brandywine Hundred, that still sucks.

  3. meatball says:

    Thinking the new SCOTUS make up makes a moot point of any kind of gun legislation for the next 20 years or so.

    • Alby says:

      Not for the kind of edge-nibbling that’s done at the state level. Restrictions are not bans. Even Scalia said that.

      First priority should be making open carry illegal. Delaware has one of the country’s toughest standards for granting concealed-carry licenses. It makes no sense to negate that by leaving open-carry legal.