DL Open Thread: Monday, October 26, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 26, 2020

Meadows Admits It: Pandemic’s Out Of Control:

Further complicating Trump’s campaign-trail pitch was an extraordinary admission Sunday from White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows that the administration had effectively given up on trying to slow the virus’s spread.

“We’re not going to control the pandemic,” Meadows said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “We are going to control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other mitigations.”

Give him props: At least he stated the obvious before the election…although he covered up the outbreak in the Pence camp.

Rethugs Will Force Barrett Onto The Supreme Court Today.  I have no words that wouldn’t be censored on TV.

Scumbag Dies.  He exploited coal miners, then asked for black lung benefits for himself.  Hope he didn’t vote absentee.

The True Rioters In Portland Were The Police.  They are the criminals. Treat them as such.

Wisconsin’s Elections Commission An Exercise In Partisan Gridlock.  An exercise in what ‘is’ is.

Biden ‘Flips Script’ On Trump.  Trump is campaigning as the desperate challenger.  I do wish that Biden and Harris would hold more campaign events, though…I don’t like this Wilmington Rose Garden strategy at all.

Trump’s Political Appointees Fleeing Washington.  Addition by subtraction.

Study: Rethugs Resemble Autocrats In Turkey And Hungary.  They were headed in this direction even before Trump.  Read this, it’s important.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. puck says:

    I sure hope the cake is already baked. If Dems lose Pennsylvania it will be because of Biden’s fumbles on fracking.

    In a late gambit to win the battleground state of Pennsylvania, President Donald Trump and his GOP allies have intensified attacks on Joe Biden over fracking, hoping to drive a wedge between the former vice president and the white, working-class voters tied to the state’s booming natural gas industry. That assault is playing out in a barrage of TV ads and conservative and right-wing websites, and is repeated at every Trump rally in the state.

    Nobody’s fracking much right now, but Biden swallowed the bait when predictably asked about it in the debate. Campaigning on “transitioning away from oil” will fire up relatively few youth voters, but will trigger many grayhairs in PA and TX who would otherwise have voted for Biden. The right answer would have been something like “The market is pointing us to cleaner and cheaper energy. No need to talk about bans rignt now.”

    • I disagree. He said what he meant, and I hope he meant what he said. How many fucking Pa. voters are benefiting from fracking which, BTW, he said he WOULDN’T ban.

      I think Pa’s pretty much baked. If, for no other reason, due to increased turnout.

      Might hurt him in Texas, though. But people understand that the climate’s an important issue. Indeed, the existential issue of our time.

    • Alby says:

      Treating such a statement as “swallowing the bait” is precisely what is wrong with the Democratic Party.

      Pennsylvania gets nothing from fracking, as they don’t tax the extracted petrochemicals AT ALL. A few individuals have gotten rich while poisoning their neighbors’ wells. And those people were all going to vote Trump anyway.

      As for Texas, oil plays a smaller role in its economy than it has in the past century. Again, I can’t see that turning away a single person who wasn’t looking for an excuse to vote for Trump in the first place.

      Running away from the issues because taking a stand might offend some imaginary swing voter is exactly why we’re where we are today. Fuck that.

  2. Alby says:

    More on who the real villains are in police-protester faceoffs: The Minneapolis police station was burned by a RWNJ, not antifa. The meme of violent protesters is entirely manufactured.


  3. bamboozer says:

    Freely admit I predicted political violence was coming years ago. Yep! I jumped the gun. Now onto round two: There will be an age of assassinations coming as well. The Republicans have probably sealed the deal with their hell bent determination to get Barrett on the court just before an election. Believe the expression is Hell To Pay. Get ready chillen’.