Meadows Admits It: Pandemic’s Out Of Control:
Further complicating Trump’s campaign-trail pitch was an extraordinary admission Sunday from White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows that the administration had effectively given up on trying to slow the virus’s spread.
“We’re not going to control the pandemic,” Meadows said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “We are going to control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other mitigations.”
Give him props: At least he stated the obvious before the election…although he covered up the outbreak in the Pence camp.
Rethugs Will Force Barrett Onto The Supreme Court Today. I have no words that wouldn’t be censored on TV.
Scumbag Dies. He exploited coal miners, then asked for black lung benefits for himself. Hope he didn’t vote absentee.
The True Rioters In Portland Were The Police. They are the criminals. Treat them as such.
Wisconsin’s Elections Commission An Exercise In Partisan Gridlock. An exercise in what ‘is’ is.
Biden ‘Flips Script’ On Trump. Trump is campaigning as the desperate challenger. I do wish that Biden and Harris would hold more campaign events, though…I don’t like this Wilmington Rose Garden strategy at all.
Trump’s Political Appointees Fleeing Washington. Addition by subtraction.
Study: Rethugs Resemble Autocrats In Turkey And Hungary. They were headed in this direction even before Trump. Read this, it’s important.
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