Rethugs Lock In Minority Government. The will of the people will be thwarted by the Supreme Court–unless Democrats do something bold. Which would be, what’s the phrase, out of character. McConnell: ‘They Won’t Be Able To Do Much About This For A Long Time”. Dems should take him up on this thrown-down gauntlet.
A Plan For The Democrats. It’s bleak, but not totally bleak.
How Trump And Bolsonaro Destroyed Latin America’s Defenses Against COVID. A must-read. I learned something. Already knew that Trump and Bolsonaro were would-be autocrats though.
Kushner: Black Americans ‘Need To Want To Be Successful’. Thus said the poster boy for white privilege. Tone deafness is a family trait.
2020 Is Nothing Like 2016. Read this and feel better. I’m feeling better. Clip ‘n save.
How To Tackle Joblessness And Hunger At The Same Time. The kind of creative thinking we need. Let’s put it into action.
The Rust Belt Jobs Boom That Wasn’t. This won’t help Trump.
Tiny Islamic School In Newark Serves Over 1 Million Meals To Needy. A tremendous feel-good story.
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