DL Open Thread: Sunday, November 29, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 29, 2020

’20 Days Of Fantasy And Failure’.  Inside Trump’s quest to overthrow the election.  Great stuff for political junkies.

Trump Considers Announcing 2024 Run–During Biden’s Inaugural. I hope he does it.  I hear that Four Seasons Landscaping will be having a sale on snow blowers.  That’d be a nice visual.  Kids, he’s gonna be in so much legal hot water long before 2024 that such a run would be–impractical.  Enjoy the bitter end to this vanity project while you can.

Trump Suit To Bar Undocumented Immigrants From Census Count Reaches Supreme Court.  It may be a last-ditch effort, but do you trust that Court? Let’s not forget that the Court permitted an earlier end to the census count, which guaranteed that poorer regions would suffer the most.

Israel And Iran On Verge Of Heightened Hostilities?  All kinds of conspiracy theories floating around, including the possibility that Israel assassinated the scientist precisely to make it difficult for Biden to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal.  I sorta believe that one.

How Happiness Expert Couldn’t Find Happiness.  Thought I’d just graze on this story, but it drew me in.

Stoopid Delawarean Trix.  DI-rect from the Christiana Mall Food Court:


If you were there, and if you’re reading this, you’re an idiot.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. meatball says:

    I think the trump 2024 run, among other reasons, is part of his legal strategy painting a picture that the Biden administration is attacking political opponents. And it will work.

    • GeoBumm says:

      Possibly. But that strategy and deliberate organizing, as opposed to tRump just braying at the moon, may run real close to claims of being the legitimate government. That’s possibly sedition and has to be stomped down hard. Appearances be damned. Any elected goons who refuse to address Biden as ‘Mr President’ after Jan 20 or openly defer to tRump should also be run out on a rail. There can be only one.

  2. GeoBumm says:

    Jeebus, I just looked at the Johns Hopkins Corona tracker for Delaware. We are more than TWICE as high as we have EVER been for new detections. Yet the vibe is completely opposite that from last March-April. How many of those shoppers are coming in from out of state? This is going to be a shit show.

    • Andrew C says:

      To be fair, testing is way WAY up, which is great. The key figures — https://coronavirus.delaware.gov/ — are the hospital admissions and percent positive figures. Admittedly yes they are still too high, but much better than most surrounding states. A rate between 5-6% is quite good compared to lots and lots of places, so there is room to feel positive that the increase in testing is working here.

      Just look at Wyoming’s data (the state, not the small town I grew up in) — https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/testing/individual-states/wyoming — with unthinkable numbers like 51.5% and it puts Delaware in perspective.